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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year R

Advent Prayers

We visited the chapel together. We thought about the special time of Advent that we were in and how we are waiting for baby Jesus to be born.  We wrote a prayer to Jesus to help us remember just how very important he is.  Each of us were given a beautiful star to draw our own special prayer, showing us and Jesus together. We then shared our thoughts, ideas and prayers.

Firefighters Visit

We were so lucky to get an amazing visit from the Firefighters! They found some time in their busy schedule to visit Reception class. They came into our classroom to talk to us about all the incredible work they do: helping people, helping animals sometimes and saving lives. Mrs Terrey had to get dressed up in their special protective clothing and we all learnt what do if we were on fire! Cover your face, drop to the floor and roll. One of the firefighters demonstrated this, and then we all had a go. We remembered which number we must ring in an emergency - 999!


We also went outside to see the huge fire engine and we all had a turn to use the hose and spray water, just like a real firefighter! It was great fun. We each got to climb onto the fire engine too! We all loved every minute with our special visitors and learnt so much.

Father Gerard

Reception class were so lucky to receive a very special visit from our lovely Parish Priest, Father Gerard. We invited him to come and talk to us about the very special job he does as part of our topic and learning about real-life heroes.  Father Gerard shared with us a day in the life of a busy Priest and we asked him lots of questions. We also sang him our beautiful Hail Mary prayer and performed ‘This Little Light of Mine’.  Thank you for coming to visit us, Father Gerard!


We learned that we are all part of God’s special family and that we are welcomed into the church through Baptism. We had a beautiful space in our class prayer area and took turns at being the priest or the parent holding the baby to act out baptising the baby and giving the baby a very special name.
