No Pens' Day
No Pens' Day 2015
No Pens' day started with a brilliant assembly where Reception, Year 1L, Year 1OD and Year 2 performed various stories and poems for the rest of the school. All classes then put down their pens for the day to learn through speaking and listening activities. The children took part in a range of fun activities, such as performance poetry, making paper cups, painting bird houses and practical maths. In the afternoon, children from Key Stage 2 took part in debates where they had to put forward their case for and against banning homework, banning junk food in schools, banning plastic carrier bags and whether or not affluent nations should accept more refugees. The quality of debating was superb and the children were presented with certificates for their participation. Once again, a fantastic time was had by all and we are looking forward to another great No Pens' Day next year.