Year 1CO
Today we built a castle in our groups using different sized blocks. We then used a skipping rope to show a moat. We learned about how the castle is protected by these different features and have labelled the different parts. We have labelled the battlements, moat, drawbridge, bailey and tower.

World Book Day
Today was World Book Day and we have had so much fun. We went to lots of different classes and took part in so many different activities. We made potions, retold stories, played music, created dragons and crazy cakes!

Shape Hunt
Today we went outside and looked at all the different shapes we could find around the playground. We then tallied up how many of each shape we found.

This morning we have been looking at what lent means to us and what happens during the Lenten period. We spoke about new things to start over the 40 days and things we could give up. We spoke about the colour purple and what it represents during lent. We have written some Lenten promises on some purple paper and put them in our class jar so we can check at the end of Lent to see if we have managed to keep our promises.

Space Assembly
This morning we had our class assembly and it was great to see so many parents come and watch! We had great fun showing you what we have learnt this term and hope you all enjoyed our assembly.

Science Day
Today we had lots of fun! This morning we watched some Tesla cars dance! Then we were able to ask lots of questions about Tesla and electric cars. We also created our own boats and the challenge was to see how many cubes we could fit in our boat without it sinking! Our top score was 38! Then in the afternoon the whole school went outside to see all the volcanoes and the amazing eruptions!

Measuring Outside
Today we took our measuring skills and used them outside. We used rulers and metre sticks to measure how tall and long different things were in the playground.

I’m a Little Rocket
This week we have been looking at the poem ‘I’m a Little Rocket’. Today we got the chance to perform our poem to the class. We looked at some different performers of stories and poems and decided what we would need to include to perform our poem well. We found that the top three things we would need to remember when performing are:
- Facial expressions
- Tone of voice
- Small hand gestures or actions

Altar Servers
We have been learning about the church and the different parts of a church. Today we looked at different roles within the church and one of those key roles was altar servers. This afternoon we have been very lucky to speak to some altar servers from Year 5. They came down to answer all of our questions!

Ice Sculptures
This term we have been looking at lots of different ice sculptures. We have already designed our ice sculpture, so today we practised making our Arctic animal sculptures from paper. We have made polar bears, seals, penguins, arctic foxes and arctic owls! We had to use lots of rolling and folding to help make our animals stand up on the card!

This week in our RE lessons we have been very lucky to learn about a different religion. We have learned all about Judaism. At the start of the week we had a visit from Mrs Elijah. She told us the story of Moses in the Bulrushes. It taught us about how Moses was a baby and managed to stay safe. We also learnt about the story of Abraham. We learnt about his family and how he was a great leader who loved and trusted God. God promised Abraham that he would have a descendant as wonderful as the stars in the sky – meaning his son. We then looked at the members of our family and how great they are.

Sandwich Instructions
This week in literacy we have been looking at instructions and learning how to make our own sandwiches! Today we made our own – and chose what filling we would like. Next we are going to write our own set of instructions to share our recipe with everyone!

All Saints Church
Today we took a lovely walk to All Saints Church. We have been learning about the sacrament of Baptism and its importance within the church. Fr. Christopher was there to meet us at the church and show us what happens during a Baptism ceremony. We learnt about the font, the holy water, the people who attend, the scented oil, the candle and the white garment.

We are learning about the sacrament of Baptism and have learnt all about the different roles - the priest, parents and godparents. Each group created a still image of what a baptism scene could look like. We also looked at the font, holy water, shell, garment and baptismal candle.

Wendover Woods
Today we went on our first Year 1 trip to the woods! We had a great day exploring the woods, seeing what mini beasts we could find. Then we got a chance to build some dens to help keep us dry! After lunch 1CO went on a hunt for the Gruffalo. We were lucky enough to find some other characters along the way as well as meeting the Gruffalo at the end of the trail. Well done to all the children who all took part in map reading and making sure we didn’t get lost!
We have been very lucky to have some special guests in Year 1 over the last week. 10 eggs were delivered and luckily we had all 10 eggs hatch! It has been a lot of responsibility, making sure we feed them and give them water every day, as well as clean them out each day. When the chicks were a little bigger, we were all allowed to hold one!
