School News Archive: 2018-2019
Pancake Day
We had a special pancake day assembly during which some of our teachers and teaching assistants took part in a pancake tossing competition. Well done to everyone who took part and particularly well done to Miss McKenna who was this year’s winner!

Internet Legends
We recently had a special assembly for Key Stage Two children with visitors from Internet Legends. We learnt about the Internet Legends code which helps us to stay safe online.

Fun in the Snow
On Friday 1st February we woke up to a blanket of snow. We got wrapped up warmly for break time and headed outside to build snow creations on the field. It was great fun playing with our friends in the snow.

Building Work
The school has recently undertaken building work. Two classrooms have been extended, we have a larger rainbow room, a new room which can be used by small groups and a beautiful new chapel. The children in Year 4 are very pleased that they are able to use the new classrooms. The rooms are light and airy with a sink area for when the children are doing art and plenty more space for working at tables or on the carpet. As well as these improvements inside, we have a lovely new log area outside which has been open for a week now. It is lots of fun to play on the log area as there is so much to climb on and explore.

Rainbow Room
As part of our recent building work, we have recently opened our new and improved Rainbow Room. This room is used by individuals and groups and is much bigger than before so even more children will be able to use it. There are lovely displays, lots of great resources and different spaces to work. We held a grand opening of the new room where two students welcomed staff and other pupils with a drink and a biscuit.

Christmas Party
On 19th December the children enjoyed their annual Christmas party. In the morning every child made a party hat to wear. We all ate a party lunch together in the hall with crackers and a special visit from Father Christmas. In the afternoon there was a chance to play outside and have a disco. It was a really fun day and a lovely way to celebrate Christmas together before the holidays.

Carol Concert
Key Stage 2 children took part in two performances of a Carol Concert for Christmas this year. Every class had a carol to perform to the congregation and some of our classmates who have music lessons were able to perform. It was great to see each class put on a lovely performance of their song – some classes sang, some also included instruments and some included actions. It was a lovely way to think about the Christmas story and to celebrate together as a community.

Advent Mass
Father Christopher joined us at school to celebrate Mass for Advent. He blessed our advent wreath which is used to help us count down the weeks of advent and prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.