Year 2B
World Faith Day
On World Faith Day, we learnt about Sikhism. We had a visitor from the local Gurdwara come into school and teach us all about what we would expect to find if we visited a Gurdwara. We learnt about Sikh weddings and learnt an Indian dance!

This week, 2B have been learning how to sew. We learnt how to do a running stitch and some of us even moved on to a cross-stitch! We are practising our sewing skills ready for when we make our own postbags.

BFG – Dream Jars
In 2B, we have been reading The BFG by Roald Dahl. Today, the children made their own dream jars and used their imagination to think of what might be in them.

Monument Design
This half term Year 2B have been learning about freestanding structures in DT. We have been working hard to design our own monument for the Great Fire of London. Take a look at our final products!

Dragon Medicine
The children received an unusual letter from Mr Dragon Defender today. He told us that the dragons in Dragon Land have become extremely poorly - they can’t even breathe out fire! He sent us some instructions on how to make dragon medicine but unfortunately we could only see the list of ingredients. The rest of the instructions had been burnt off! We decided to have a guess and try to make the dragon medicine anyway! We knew it had worked when it bubbled and frothed!

Rama and Sita
We have been learning the story of Rama and Sita in PE. They worked together to come up with a dance to retell the story. It was excellent!

No Pens Day
On No Pens Day, we learnt about the celebration of Diwali. The children made up their own dances in PE to retell the story of Rama and Sita and then they made their own diyas (candles).

Linford Lakes
Year 2B went on a trip to Linford Lakes to help us with our Science topic, Plants and Habitats. We learnt about what habitats need to have in order to be a suitable place for a living thing. We also had a chance to see different types of habitats and the minibeasts that lived within them! We went pond dipping and made our own habitats for different types of animals. We had a great day!
The children in Year 2B have been learning about Baptism. They acted out what happens during a baptism! They did a fantastic job.

Painting using Pointillism
We have been learning how to paint using pointillism. This was a painting technique used by Vincent Van Gogh.

Psalm 19: 1-5
In RE, 2B used dance to praise God using Psalm 19:1-5. They listened and danced to ‘Morning’ from the ‘Peer Gynt Suites’. Choosing suitable dance moves that they could use to thank God for his wonderful creation and new beginnings.