Chaplaincy News Archive: 2017-2018
The Rosary Group
The Rosary Group went on a lovely day out to St Mary Magdalene Church in Stony Stratford. The children prayed the rosary at Our Lady’s grotto, went to Mass and to Eucharistic Adoration. They also enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch in the sunshine.
Mini Vinnies
Our Children’s Chaplaincy is now called Mini Vinnies. Mini Vinnies is the youth section of the St. Vincent De Paul Society (SVP). The Mission of Mini Vinnies is See – Think – Do. We can help people inside and outside of school.
On Friday 24th November we held our Commissioning Ceremony which was attended by the whole school and members of our parish SVP team, Mr J Scott (local President) Mrs O Mulligan (local Treasurer) Mrs Adetola and Mrs Tharakan. Here the children made their pledge to See -Think - Do and received a certificate acknowledging their roles.
We also launched our first appeal. We decided to support The Henry Allen Trust’s Christmas Appeal. We were very pleased with the support given and had a good collection of gifts for the Trust.

Winter Night Shelter Milton Keynes
WNSMK provides supervised overnight accommodation to homeless and vulnerable people who would otherwise be rough sleeping during the extreme winter months between early December and mid-March each year. It works in partnership with several Milton Keynes churches that provide their facilities free of charge. A large team of volunteers from across the city come together to cook nutritious meals and provide a friendly safe environment each evening.
Our Mini Vinnies in Year 5, along with the rest of Year 5, visited St. Andrews Baptist Church recently as part of their RE lessons. Here they met minister Reverend Brian Stocker who told them all about the Baptist Church and also the work they do in the community which includes being a shelter as part of WNSMK. We decided to help the shelter here and even though we didn’t have much time as the shelter closes on the 15th March. However, due to the kindness and generosity of our families, we were able to deliver two large bags of toiletries. WNSMK is very grateful for your donations.