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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

The Liturgical Year

Epiphany 2025

6th January is the Feast of the Epiphany, when Christians celebrate the visit of the wise men to the new-born King, Jesus. The word ‘epiphany’ is used at times when the glory of Jesus is revealed.


Mr Mundy led our special assembly as we learned about the journey (or pilgrimage) the Maji took and about the significance of the gifts that they brought. Some volunteers from Year 1 were dressed as kings and we wondered at an amazing photo of the billions of stars in the sky.


The Gospel today was: Matthew 2:1-12   ‘They bowed down and worshiped Him.’


Traditionally, the entrance of each home is marked and blessed on this day, so the STAMP team gave a blessing to each class and chalked a blessing at the entrance to our school.


Christmas Carol Service

All the musical preparations which had taken place during Advent fell into place as the pupils from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, the choir and orchestra led family and friends in a beautiful carol service at All Saints Church. A mix of traditional carols, modern music and re-worded pop songs were used to retell the greatest story from the scriptures. Fr Gerard gave a blessing and the congregation were able to take the joy of Christmas back to their homes as we sang ‘We will Go!’


We have been chosen to retell the greatest story,

to tell of a baby who was promised to the world.

We have been chosen to make a change,

to be the ones to who shine His love.

We have been chosen to act in faith

So, we will go!

The Nativity – Lights, Camel, Action!

Parents, grandparents and parishioners enjoyed a mince pie and mulled wine before the performance of Lights, Camel, Action 2024 when children from Reception class, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 all joined together to tell the story of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. With some wonderful acting, singing and dancing, the children performed with confidence and joy.


When Pope Francis watched the Living Nativity in Rome this year he said, "the newborn baby Jesus gives us hope, He came for us, with so much tenderness."

Blessing of the Advent Wreath

Fr Gerard joined the Mission and Prayer Team to lead us for our Celebration of the Word as we start the season of Advent.


First Reading: Isaiah - The people that walk in darkness have seen a great light

Gospel: John - I am the light that has come into the world.


Father spoke about how, during Advent, we have the opportunity to shine our light, our goodness through the things we do. If we are people of hope, of peace, of joy and of love, we will be ready for the coming of Jesus.  Our hymn today was ‘My Lighthouse’ which Father especially enjoyed.

Youth Sunday - 24th November 2024

Thank you to all the children and families who attended 11am Mass this week to mark Youth Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many proudly worn red jumpers.


It was the feast of Christ the King and Fr Gerard spoke about how Jesus was a very different type of king, not an important king with a fancy robe, golden crown and a big palace. Jesus is a humble king who served others and wore a crown of thorns and we must learn to be like him.


The Gospel today was John 18:33-3. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”


Pope Francis spoke to young people and called them into action, inviting them to be active participants in building God’s Kingdom here on earth. 


Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue

We are lucky to have the replica pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima in school this week.  Our songs of worship time was dedicated to Our Lady as we sang Marian hymns and learned about the amazing vision of Mary that the 3 young children had in Portugal in 1917.


Pope Francis said:

“Every time we come to Fatima or set eyes on the Pilgrim Statue, we must remember this: Mary made herself present in a special way, so that the disbelief of so many hearts would be opened up to Jesus, and with her presence she points us to Jesus.”


Sr Lucia, one of the children who saw Mary, said, “There is no problem, no matter how difficult, that we cannot resolve by the power of the Holy Rosary.“


Thank you to the parents who attended our Family prayer time and to everyone who spent a little extra time with Mary, Our Mother, this week .


Find out about the Fatima visions, the miracle and the messages here: Fatima visions

October - Month of the Holy Rosary

The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, a beautiful prayer that reflects on the life of Jesus through the eyes of his mother, Mary. Children have learnt about the mysteries and prayers of the rosary and have spent time in the chapel. There have been many opportunities to pray together in class and during assemblies. Staff have also led drop-in sessions before, after and during school and it has been lovely to see children choosing to attend these.

New School Bibles

The holy scriptures are an essential part of our faith as we draw strength and take guidance from the Word of God and the life and teachings of Jesus.   At St Thomas Aquinas school we have purchased some beautiful new Bibles which have been distributed to all classes. These will be displayed in a central, special place in each classroom and used regularly during RE lessons and class worship.

Blessing the New School Year

Father Gerard led us in a wonderful Mass to bless the start of the new school year.  The children listened well and sang beautifully as they heard the message that they should love God and love their neighbour.  Prayers were offered for our school community asking that children, staff, parents and governors be inspired to live and share the Gospel message through their actions and words.  

Father was also able to bless the new statue of our patron saint, St Thomas Aquinas.


Reading:   2 Corinthians 5:18-20  ‘We have been sent to share God's peace.’

Gospel:      Mark 15:14-16,19-20     ‘Go everywhere and tell the Good News to everyone.’
