Year 5D
St Cassian’s
We had such a brilliant time during our residential trip to St Cassian’s. 5D represented the school fantastically and it was lovely to see them playing in the sun and enjoying their outdoor activities. I hope that everyone has made lots of happy memories that will stick with them for years to come.
St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day
Year 5D had a brilliant time celebrating the feast of St Thomas Aquinas! We started off by discussing what it means to be a philosopher and then had a look at some of St Thomas Aquinas’ most famous quotes. We then thought about how these quotes can be applied to our faith, our learning and also the wider world. After that, we got creative, and made our own bookmarks based around the quote “The things that we love tell us who we are”, decorating our bookmarks with all our favourite things.
Finally, we finished off the day by going on a St Thomas Aquinas fact hunt, out on the path around the field. We had to try and remember as much information about St Thomas Aquinas as we could in 10 minutes, before we came back in and had a go at a quiz with our friends. It was a fantastic day!
Egyptian Clay Masks
This half term, we have spent our art lessons looking at portraits. We have learnt that the Egyptians made masks for their pharaoh’s to be buried with and on Thursday we had a go at making our own, using clay! We had to design, knead and sculpt our clay using a variety of tools and the final product looked fantastic.