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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year 4

3D Nets

In DT this half term, the children are applying their learning to create mini greenhouses. Today we assembled different 3D nets to investigate which ones were the most stable to create our mini greenhouse from! We learned that stable meant it is steady, strong and safe. After constructing the nets, we decided that the cuboid and triangular prism nets would be the most appropriate structure for our greenhouse!


Anglo Saxon Day

Joined by our partner school Bishop Parker, Year 4 had an amazing time learning about the Anglo Saxons from our entertaining and educational visitor. They learnt about where the Anglo Saxons came from, what their lives were like, took part in a historical quiz about key events in the Anglo-Saxon era, played an Anglo-Saxon board game and learnt all about Anglo Saxon weaponry. The children even got to compete against their partner school in an Anglo-Saxon tradition by trying to take a ‘spear’ off one another.

Prototype Amulets

The children made prototypes for the Anglo-Saxon amulets they are learning how to make in art. Their final pieces will be in clay, however they had the opportunity to make a prototype of their designs using playdough. They carefully used a variety of tools to make their symmetrical patterns.

Reading Buddies.

Year 4 enjoyed sharing their love of books with their reading buddies in Year 2!


Year 4 had a great time creating their own switches to add to circuits so they could turn them on or off. They had to be sure to use a conductor (metal split pins and safety pins) so that the electricity could flow around the circuit when their switch was closed and stop the flow of electricity when it was open.

Mass and Stations of the Cross

Year 4 walked up to our local parish church, All Saints, to attend Mass. They loved getting to see the parishioners and learned about some of our local parish groups from the Legion of Mary. This was lovely for the children and many of them are even in the Junior Legion of Mary at our school. Some of our children were alter servers at the Mass and all the children sang beautifully. After Mass had ended, Year 4 reverently prayed the stations of the cross alongside some of the parish community. Many of the children lead a prayer for each of the stations. This helped them to think about how much Jesus loves them by praying through His difficult journey with Him.

Easter Cracked

The children in Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Easter Cracked session with the Bridgebuilder team. They got to learn all the details in the Easter story and look at them from different perspectives by exploring storyboards, watching videos and even completing a large puzzle.

Insulators and Conductors

As part of our learning about electricity in science, the children tested materials to see if they were insulators or conductors. They learnt that conductors are materials that allow electricity to flow through them whereas insulators do not let electricity flow through them. Using a simple circuit, the children investigated whether it would work using a plastic ruler, wooden lolly sticks, rubbers, metal coins and metal paper clips. They realised that metal is a conductor while the other materials were insulators.

Creating Angles

To explore our learning about angles, Year 4 used tape to create a variety of angles by intersecting straight lines. They created patterns and shapes using all the angles they had learnt about. The children then labelled their creations describing the angles as either acute, obtuse or right.

String Telephones

As part of our sound topic in science, the children made string telephones to explore how they could change the volume of a sound and consider how distance can impact the volume of a sound. They quickly realised that their voices were louder over the string telephone!

Bletchley Park

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Bletchley Park where they participated in a workshop about how Careless talk costs lives, had a guided tour of the mansion and huts and then got to explore other parts of the museum too! They got to try on clothes from jobs in World War 2, weigh out sweets for rationing, adapt to blackout conditions by being blindfolded and even got to try breaking codes. We learned lots and understood more about how our local area, Bletchley, was so significant in World War 2!

Rationing Cakes

During this half term, the children in Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to learn food preparation skills to make cakes. They made their cakes using ingredients that would have been available during rationing, which linked to our World War 2 history topic. The children practised skills of mixing and beating ingredients together as well as selecting their chosen ingredients to make their final cake.

The Torah

Year 4 really enjoyed having Mrs Elijah teach us about the Torah during Judaism week. They loved getting to see replicas of the Torah as well as the Arc that it is kept in. The children learnt about how Torahs are made and how they are shown respect by Jewish people.


To conclude our RE topic on Belonging, the children had time to respond to what they have learnt and celebrate belonging and being chosen by God. The children chose to go to the school chapel for this celebration. In pairs, they wrote prayers of thankfulness for belonging and thought about how they could respond to being chosen by God. They decided to pass around a cross to symbolise each of them belonging to God and remembered our school mission statement, ‘I have called you by your name, you are mine’ Isaiah 43:1. After reading a piece of scripture each, the children reflected on how they could go forth with the Holy Spirit. 

Remembrance Assembly

Year 4 worked incredibly hard over the past few weeks to prepare for their Remembrance assembly. They did an excellent job remembering all their lines and their songs. It was a great way to remember what happened in World War II as well as having a time of remembrance for those who have lost their lives.

Digestive System

Year 4 had a great time getting their hands dirty and learning about the function of the different parts of the digestive system! They made their own model of the digestive system.   The children used a plastic bag to represent the stomach, water to represent saliva and stomach acid and some tights to represent the small and large intestines.  It was quite messy and a lot of fun!

The Rosary

In their class worship, Year 4 learnt about the Rosary and the Month of Mary. The children wrote a prayer for Mary and learnt all the prayers in the Rosary. As a class, they prayed one decade of the Rosary together including the Our Father, Hail Mary and the Glory Be.

Invertebrates Hunt

Year 4 had a great afternoon exploring the playground to look for invertebrates as part of their science topic - All Living Things and Their Habitats! The children explored under rocks, in the grass and within hedges to uncover living things in the local habitat. They used a classification key and photographs to identify and classify the invertebrates that they discovered.
