Year 3P
Y3P Class Assembly
Year 3P performed their class assembly this week. The children have been looking at performance poetry by Allan Ahlberg. As a class we learnt how to perform poetry. The children added in some of their own ideas for the acting parts and the result was a very enjoyable selection of poems about the school day. The speaking, singing, and acting were top quality. Well done Year 3P!

Julia Jarman
We were very lucky to have the author, Julia Jarman come in to school and spend time with Year 3. She went through the process of how to write a story, showing us all the work that went into one of her books called, ‘Class Two at the Zoo’. It was very interesting and it has made lots of us want to write stories!
Soil Investigations
This term we have been looking at ‘One World’ for our topic. We have leant lots of exciting things in Science about rocks and soils and plants! Year 3P have completed lots of science experiments and for one of our science investigations we looked at soil and its permeability. We had great fun investigating different types of soil.
This half term we have been thinking about shapes, balances and travelling. Last week we had a go on the wall bars, making shapes and learning to travel around the bars and on the other equipment. We have had a lot of fun!

Our trip to Kew Gardens
Year 3 travelled to London to experience the delights of Kew Gardens in connection with our Science and Geography topics. We climbed a long way to the top of the ‘Treetop Walk’ to see what life is like for a tree at the top! The view was great! We took part in a workshop where we learnt about plants which can live in and adapt to different climate zones. We had a tour of the Princess of Wales Conservatory to see a lot of these plants in action and we felt the temperatures of their habitats. We returned to school feeling very tired and extremely intelligent!
Numeracy – 3D Shapes
In Numeracy, we have been looking at 3D shapes and learning their properties. We made our own 3D shapes with marshmallows and spaghetti, which was great fun! Using food helped us to remember the properties, as the spaghetti was the edges and the marshmallows were the vertices.
The Romans
We have recently been learning all about the Roman Army, looking at the weapons, shields, what their camps were like and how they fought.
In Art we made Roman shields, making sure that we used the correct colours and designs. As a class we learnt about one of the most famous Roman Army formations, which is the Tortoise, its Latin name is ‘Testudo’. Using our shields we made our version of the Tortoise and had great fun marching like Roman soldiers.
Shields Video.MOV

Comic Strips
To complete our topic of the Romans, we looked at Myths and Legends; eventually writing our own version of a Roman Myth. In ICT we learnt how to make a comic strip. In pairs we created a storyboard, then in groups we role played the myth. As a class we used iPads to create the comic strips, taking pictures, adding text and speech bubbles.
We had lots of fun using the iPads and creating the comic strips. Have a look at some of the finished articles.
Our Roman Day
We had a fantastic day dressing up as Romans and living like a Roman. To start the day we made honey cakes for the banquet and prepared our market stalls with goods to sell. We then brought produce and ate lots of delicious food at the banquet. In the banquet hall there was a vomitorium, so that we could eat even more food! We had great fun living like a Roman!

Year 3 are preparing for Advent by praying at our Advent prayer table.
Jewish Visitor
This week we have been learning about Judaism and we were very lucky to have a Jewish visitor. Our visitor taught us about Shabbat, she introduced us to all the important items that are used during Shabbat. She also taught us the order of the day. We even got to taste some challah bread!

Our trip to the Verulamium
We had a great day out at the Verulamium in St Albans where we got to handle real Roman artefacts! It was amazing to think that the objects we were holding were 2000 years old! We also had a good look around the museum itself and completed a trail where we learnt a lot of information about life in Roman times. After lunch, we went to see the hypocaust floor which is a giant mosaic with heating systems. We were amazed at the size of the mosaics which we saw. It was a great trip and we will use our new knowledge in our work over the coming half term.

Praying the Rosary
Year 3P had the wonderful opportunity this week to learn all about the mysteries and praying the Rosary with Mrs Simmons.

Year 3P are learning about the Romans and have started looking at what the Romans daily life was like. We researched Roman daily life and learnt how to take notes. With these notes we wrote our own non-chronological report. Fantastic reports, well done!
Year 3P have been learning about symmetry, symmetrical patterns and angles in Numeracy. Here we are finding right angles around our school. We are starting to look at mosaics with the intention of making our own and our fantastic symmetry and angle work will help us with this! Watch out for our mosaics!