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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Life To The Full

At St Thomas Aquinas School, the RSHE policy is delivered through the National Curriculum and Ten:Ten Life to the Full programme, a Catholic scheme which reflects the teachings of the Catholic Church.


The focus of RSHE teaching within a primary school is;

  • Building and maintaining healthy relationships
  • Healthy bodies and healthy lifestyles
  • Positive mental health
  • Factual, age-appropriate sexual knowledge
  • Informing and preparing young people for adult life
  • Addressing our changing society including use of technology


Please use the parent portal to find out more information and session overviews, activities for home learning and links to family prayers.


Username: StThomasParent

Password: Parent123


Find out more on our curriculum page by clicking here.
