Year 3TL
Wonder Box
The children were given a box full of materials and magnets and asked to investigate! The children took on their own learning and discovered how magnets work, what materials magnets are attracted to and whether a material was magnetic or not. This lesson worked really well as the children learnt independently and from that they posed their own scientific questions.

Our Class Assembly
3TL put on a fantastic assembly all about the Romans and the Celts. All the children participated and sang beautifully to the audience.

Verulamium Trip
We went to the Verulamium museum in St. Albans and found out lots about Roman life. We were able to dress up and handle many Roman artefacts. It was quite tricky to work out what some of them were used for. We also walked around the museum, looking at all of the interesting artefacts on display before walking to see the hypocaust nearby.

Creative Art
During our art lesson the children were given a selection of different materials and were asked to create something. The task was completely independent and everyone produced their own unique piece of art.

Push or Pull
In Science we have been looking at forces and used drama to show actions. The children worked well acting out an action while the rest of the class decided if it was a push or pull force that was being applied.

Science Investigations
In Science we have been looking at investigations. We have discussed what a “fair test” is and tried to create our own investigations.

We looked at how democracy in England works and how parliament debates topics in The House of Commons. We had a go at debating with each other, following the rules of parliament in preparation for our big debate on no pens day.

Neolithic Balls
Some amazing, unusual Neolithic balls have been found in several Stone Age sites across England. These decorative balls look great but no one knows what they were made for. We discussed the many theories for the uses of these balls and gave reasons for our predictions. We then designed and made our own carved stone balls out of clay.

Artefact Dig
3TL became archaeologists for the day, digging in mud to find artefacts to help us learn about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. While we were digging we found lots of different objects from different periods of time. We had to sort them into artefacts from the past and artefacts from modern day. We had a fantastic time and learnt what it might be like to be an archaeologist.