Year 5D
St Paul’s Secondary School visited Year 5 to talk to them about e-safety. The assembly reminded children about what they should and should not post online and how to respond to messages that are hurtful. As well as this, they looked at what they should do if they received a message trying to get money or information from them.

3D Modelling
In Computing this half term, 5D have been learning all about 3D modelling and how it has become such an important tool in the world of design and technology. Using ‘2Design and Make’, the pupils came up with concepts for houses, vehicles and even their own product. Once we had completed our designs electronically, we printed off the nets and brought our 3D products to life.

St Cassian's
Year 5 had a great time at St Cassian’s! We did all sorts of activities like low-ropes, climbing, a treasure hunt, den building and there was also time for football outside! We enjoyed getting to learn more about ourselves, God and our friends. It was such a special time together; we have lots of memories to take away with us.

Viking Oatcakes
Year 5D had a lot of fun baking and decorating their Viking oatcakes last week. We explored the different fruit that Vikings would have eaten, created a design for our oatcakes and finally got to make (and eat) them!

Ancient Egyptian Day
On Monday, Year 5 had their Ancient Egyptian Day to celebrate the end of their topic. The children took part in lots of different practical activities from making canopic jars to decorating amulets as well as preparing a song or drama for a feast at the end of the day. They all had a great time!

National Poetry Day
To celebrate National Poetry Day, Year 5D had a go at some performance poetry. We started off by looking at techniques we can use to make our performances successful, and then put that into practice using some of our friend Pep’s poems!