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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year RO


To conclude our last RE topic of Advent we spent some time today thinking about the birth of Jesus. All of the children had a chance to go out to the courtyard and look at how the Nativity scene had changed: the three kings have now arrived as has the baby Jesus.


In Reception we have started learning how to use the LearnPads. Every Friday we have the LearnPads and the children get to play some exciting games linked to their learning for that week. For example, we have played counting games and repeating patterns games for the last two weeks. The children thoroughly enjoy this and have demonstrated that they have a good understanding of using child-friendly technology.

No Pens' Day

On No Pens' day the children showed off their brilliant speaking and listening skills by performing a song to the whole school. As our topic for this week is firefighters we have been learning the song London’s Burning. They sang the song beautifully in assembly and did some actions too, using their props - steering wheels, fire and water.

A Visit from the Firefighters

We had a fantastic day on Wednesday when we were visited by some of our local firefighters. They brought their fire engine with them and we were able to go outside and have a look all around it. We got to see all the important tools and equipment and all the special protective clothing that they wear. The children had some great questions to ask too!


In Reception we have been working with Mrs Guina to make 3D fruit and fruit baskets. We have been looking at the shape of real pieces of fruit before using paper mache to make our own. When they are dry we are going to paint them too. It’s been very fun and messy!
