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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Mission, Ethos and Values

Our Mission, Ethos and Values

Our mission statement can be seen and felt around school: "I have called you by your name; you are mine" Isaiah 43:1. This scripture is at the heart of our school’s ethos: it informs the attitudes and aspirations of our whole community.


Just as a name is personal, each person in our community is treated as a unique and valued individual. We believe that all our pupils are precious individuals and so we strive to meet their needs and develop their God-given talents, whilst always ensuring that they are safe and happy.


Our school badge embodies the key value of our school which is respect: for God, for self, for others and for our learning. By following Jesus' example, we show that we respect, value and appreciate all members of our global family.


We encourage our pupils to strive for excellence across the academic curriculum and in all they do, so that they can become fully equipped to contribute positively to society and to achieve their fullest potential.


Each person’s faith formation is key to what we do. This enables them to grow in knowledge of their faith in order to deepen their relationship with God, through understanding, prayer and action.


As pupils continue their journey on to secondary school, they are equipped to be keen learners who are confident to accept challenges and prepared to see mistakes as an opportunity to develop further. We hope that as caring, responsible, active member of the community they are able to spot injustices and be confident to stand up for what they know is right.


Some of the values that we promote and cherish are:

  • being confident, independent and resilient
  • respecting the dignity and diversity of all people+
  • good self-discipline
  • showing kindness, humility and patience
  • caring for those who may be vulnerable
  • showing curiosity and creativity
  • being truthful and compassionate
  • showing forgiveness and being peacemakers


