Eco-Committee Archive: 2023-2024
Green Flag Award
At the end of the year, after submitting a lengthy and detailed application with lots of evidence, St Thomas Aquinas School was awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award with Merit.
The Eco-Committee meet regularly throughout the school year and we complete tasks to help support our eco-application for the Green Flag Award. We presented a whole school assembly to introduce and inform everyone about our eco-ethos.

Frank Moran Centre
We have established a positive relationship with the Frank Moran Centre in Bletchley, where we disposed of soft plastics that we had collected in school. Here, we learnt a lot about the values of working with the local community and how they outreach and support the local area. We were proud to help support their recycling scheme.

Litter Picking
Eco-Committee have successfully carried out several litter picks in the school grounds. Armed with litter-pickers and gloves, we collected litter from every corner of the playground. We filled a few bags!

At St Thomas Aquinas we are very proud of our Eco-Committee. We had 14 very enthusiastic children, from Year 2 to Year 6, become Eco-warriors and form our committee. Our aim is to promote and implement our eco-code throughout the school.
This year our 3 main areas of focus will be:
- Litter and waste
- Energy
- Healthy living