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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

School Council - 2022-2023

Introducing Worry Boxes

We recently introduced a new initiative in our school called the Worry Boxes. These are little boxes that we made and decorated for our classes, where students can write down their worries and post them for their teacher to check. We did this as a result of feedback from students saying that speaking to teachers face to face is sometimes quite intimidating and students worried that other children were able to hear private conversations. ​  At each Worry Box Station in the school, there are also resources to help with anxiety and stress, such as colouring activities, mindfulness activities and breathing activities. 


Fundraising for Sepo

Throughout the year we have been continually fundraising for Sepo.  ​In March, we hosted a 'Wet Sponge the Teacher' charity fundraiser. Children in the school paid £1 for 3 throws at a member of staff. We managed to even get our Headteacher involved! It was a very fun day for everyone, and we managed to raise £163 for our charity, just from the School Council's stand. 


We have been focusing a lot on fundraising this year, as a few staff members are going out to Zambia to do charity work for Sepo, in the summer holidays. ​As a gift to our partner school in Zambia, the School Council raised money to buy a large playground parachute. At the end of the year, we hosted a big ice-lolly sale to raise money for this and we wrote animated cards with parachute game ideas to send out with it. The parachute was bought and, along with the handwritten game cards,  given to the children of St Agatha’s in Mongu.

Diocesan Schools' Mass

We started off the year by attending the Diocesan Schools' Mass with over 600 pupils and staff. At the Mass, Bishop David invited us to be his "faithful missionary disciples" and to bear joyful witness to God's love within our School and Parish communities. ​  We agreed then to be good role models, to look out for those who feel lonely, sad or worried and to follow Jesus' teachings of being kind, forgiving and caring. 

Meeting with Iain Stewart MP

In April, we had a very exciting visit from our local MP,  Mr Iain Stewart. During an assembly with all of Key Stage 2, the School Council questioned Mr Stewart on local issues, his areas of expertise including transport and the environment and all about his work as a Member of Parliament. School Council thoroughly enjoyed preparing for this meeting and were delighted to be able to host Mr Stewart for the morning. 

School Council
