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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

School Council - 2020-2021

School Council News - 2020 - 2021

It has been a difficult year for the school council, with distanced meetings and so many restrictions. However, following the Eyes of the World assembly produced by CAFOD the pupils have talked and shared ideas about the climate crisis. Bishop David gave a directive to the schools in his diocese to write to their local MP and make their voices heard. Our school council wrote an excellent letter and received an immediate response from Iain Stewart. They had a virtual meeting and discussed the issues raised in their letter. Iain Stewart was very knowledgeable and informative and following COP26, he has promised to speak to the children again towards the end of the year. We will keep you updated. Well done to the members of the school council!

We are continuing the good work from last year which includes collecting batteries for recycling.  We have just had our first full barrel of batteries collected.  Please keep collecting your batteries and a new box will be sent home as soon as we are allowed to.


Last term the School Council carried out our bullying survey and we have just given feedback to each class. We ask our fellow students to put their suggestions for improving the school in their class suggestion box and these are discussed at our weekly meetings.
