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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

2024 - 2025

Our New Cross

Following the building work, a new cross was commissioned for the school hall. A beautiful wooden cross has been made especially for our St Thomas Aquinas School. On the back, the carpenter has written some scripture references to inspire and guide the pupils and staff. The STAMP team looked them up so we could remember them before the cross was raised to its place. The team also wrote some personalised thank you letters to Dan, the carpenter.


John 3:16  - For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so whoever believes in Him should have everlasting life.


Ephesians 6:11 - Wear the full armour of faith in  God  so that you can fight against evil, then you will be able to stand strong.


Isaiah 54:13 - I will teach your children and make them successful with great  prosperity.


Helping Hands

Members of the STAMP team were on hand during this busy week to help out with the KS1 Nativity performance. They were able to welcome and show visitors to their seats, to serve mince pies, to help the little ones into their costumes and to be ‘runners’ at the end of the day. Mrs Terrey says ‘thank you.’

Advent Actions with STAMP

The STAMP Team have placed posters around the school to encourage and remind us all that we can prepare our hearts during Advent by doing small actions. The Team found scripture linked to the season and thought carefully about how we could put that into action. Can you do one thing every day?

Blessing the Advent Wreath

Thank you to members of STAMP for leading us during our Celebration of the Word as Fr Gerard blessed the Advent wreath to mark the start of our time of waiting and preparing for Jesus.

STA Mission and Prayer Team

Introducing the STAMP team for this school year.  These pupils are here to help you. They can say prayers with you, help you in the chapel, sort out your prayer bag, read Bible stories to you, help staff with tasks and be available for assemblies, special days and to represent the school when needed.




The children of the Mission and Prayer team made a commitment to their ministry by discussing, agreeing to and signing the promises below:


I promise to be a good example to others in our school community.

I will pray often and to follow Jesus’ example of love and service.

I promise to help those in need.

I will build faith in our school through my talents, words and actions.

I will faithfully proclaim and celebrate the Gospel message of love.
