Year 1B
Jam Sandwich
We have been learning about instruction texts and today we had to listen to, and follow, instructions to make a jam sandwich. They were delicious!
Wendover Woods
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Wendover Woods! We successfully completed the Gruffalo orienteering course and even went on a minibeasts hunt to help us with our science topic. We had a great day!

In Art, we have been learning how to draw different types of lines, using chalks. We learnt how to draw thin lines, thick lines, curly lines, zig zag lines and straight lines.

Hatching Chicks
We have had some lovely visitors in Year 1 this week! Say hello to our chicks! We have seen the chicks hatch from eggs and grow each day. We have been keeping a chick diary and this has helped us with our Science topic of ‘Animals’.