Year 5D
Viking Longhouses
On Tuesday, 5D spent the afternoon in a design and technology architecture workshop. We had a visitor who came in to teach us about the design of Viking Longhouses. Using wooden sticks and elastic bands, we were able to work as part of one big team to create an enormous frame for our longhouse, which we all managed to fit inside! Everyone in our tribe worked brilliantly throughout the afternoon and took great pride in their creation.

Ancient Egyptian Day
On the last day of this half term, Year 5D celebrated the end of our topic with an Ancient Egyptian Day. We started off with an investigation into the pharaoh’s stolen treasure chest which required us to search for and decipher clues written in hieroglyphics. We then had to cross the mighty River Nile using teamwork, problem solving and a few tyres. We also became embalmers as we mummified some apples which we hope will be preserved for when we come back to school after the half term break. It was an amazing day and the children all looked brilliant in their costumes!

European Day of Languages
As part of our celebration of European Day of Languages, we studied the work of one of the most famous artists in history, Pablo Picasso. In particular, we learned about his ‘Cubism’ style portraits and had a go at creating our own. The finished products look absolutely incredible, so good in fact, that we invited our friends from 5M down to share our work with them in a mini class exhibition. This gave the children an opportunity to justify their choices and explain any influences they had.

Sugar and Water
Things turned very sweet and sour in 5D’s classroom last week as we carried out an investigation to find out how much sugar we can dissolve in 500ml of water. Working in pairs, our scientists were responsible for adding the sugar to the water, mixing the solution and recording the results. We then shared our findings and discussed possible reasons for a difference in results.