Year 4B
In our Science lesson, we tried making different switches to make our circuits work. We had to use lots of trial and error and perseverance but they worked!

Ancient Maya
Year 4 had an excellent day learning all about the Ancient Maya civilisation. We learnt how to count to 10, tasted some Ancient Maya chocolate and did some drama all about different rituals in the Maya culture. It was a lot of fun!

Creative Maths
In our creative maths lesson, we were exploring the properties of different quadrilaterals. We had to use string and in our groups create different quadrilaterals that create different lines of symmetry.

Wonderful Homework
Look at some of our wonderful homework! In English, we have been reading the Iron Man and for our homework we made Iron Men out of different recycled materials. We have also been studying sound in Science and made our own musical instruments.

Iron Man
Our Art topic this half term has been the Iron Man. We have studied different illustrations and copied these and our final piece was to complete an Iron Man sculpture out of recycled materials.

Science Day 2020
Can you move a cocktail stick with your mind? Some of us in Year 4 managed to! We made our wine glasses sing and the vibrations from one glass caused the cocktail stick on the other glass to move! We also created our own glass xylophones!

String Telephones
Year 4 had a lot of fun exploring how sound travels over distance. We made our own string telephones and tested them outside. They worked when the string was tight!

St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day
We discussed what we know about St Thomas Aquinas, looked at some of his famous teachings and came up with words to describe him. Using all of this, we created our own poetry to remember what an important man he was!

Map Skills
In our Geography topic, we have been using our map skills to locate the landfill site that is near our school. We remembered how to use a grid reference and found our school on the map first to help us!

MK Recycling Centre
Year 4 had a great time at MK Recycling Centre. We are learning about how land use in Bletchley has changed over time and we now know that none of the waste from Milton Keynes goes to landfill! We learnt all about the different things that are recycled in Milton Keynes and that some of our recycling goes as far as Sheffield and Birmingham!

DT – Anderson Shelters
In our DT topic, we linked to what we had been learning in History by designing and making an Anderson shelter that would protect a family in an air raid. We tried to use recyclable materials only and focused on how to join our materials successfully. We had a lot of fun!

Christmas Cracked
Year 4 visited St Andrew’s church to take part in Christmas Cracked. We looked deeper at the true meaning of Christmas and what it means for us. We did lots of fun games and quizzes and even managed to decorate our own biscuits!

We had a great day being evacuees! We had to pack our cases so we knew what we could take with us and we then cooked some carrot biscuits, remembering we were experiencing rationing. In the afternoon, we built Anderson shelters to keep us safe from the bombs. There was even an air raid in the afternoon!

Digestive System
Year 4 had a brilliant, hands-on Science lesson today! We were learning all about the function of the digestive system and what happens to our food as it goes through our body. Although it was a little bit disgusting, it helped us to really understand what happens inside us!

RAF Hendon
Year had a great time at RAF Hendon. We got to experience life in the war and even went into an air raid shelter! We saw lots of different World War Two planes including a Spitfire and a Lancaster.

No Pens Day
Year 4 had lots of fun celebrating No Pens Day. We did dance in the morning relating to the Romans and in our Maths lessons we were practising our group work skills to match fractions. Both activities helped us with our communication skills and helped us to work better with each other.

Remembrance Assembly
Year 4 put on a brilliant performance for their class assembly. We told the story of a 1930s family and the effect war had on their lives. In addition, we remembered the sacrifices of all those who gave their lives in past wars and are serving in present wars. It was a memorable assembly and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done year 4!

First Aid
Year 4 had a great session with St John’s ambulance. The children learnt how to assess someone if they find them unconscious and then how to put the casualty into the recovery position. They also learnt what numbers to dial in an emergency and the kind of information that is important to give to the emergency services. We discussed the importance of knowing our own address and telephone number for emergency purposes.

Campbell Park
The children had a great time on their orienteering trip at Campbell Park. We learnt how to use a compass and used them to tell us which direction we were travelling in. We then went on a sculpture hunt and explored all the beautiful sculptures that are in Campbell Park.

We practised how to classify using Liquorice Allsorts! We had to create our own branching database and classify the sweets according to their features! We had a lot of fun and it was very tricky not to eat the sweets too!

Invertebrate Hunt
The children had a great time doing an invertebrate hunt. They went to the log area and used different equipment and classification keys to find different mini beasts. Lots of different invertebrates were found like earwigs, woodlice, spiders and slugs!