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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1


At St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School, we believe that each individual is created by God and is unique and equal to others regardless of gender, nationality, colour, creed, class, wealth, sexual orientation or intellectual ability.


In our school the RSHE policy is delivered through the National Curriculum and Ten:Ten Life to the Full programme, a Catholic scheme which reflects the teachings of the Catholic Church.


The focus of RSHE teaching within a primary school is;

  • Building and maintaining healthy relationships
  • Healthy bodies and healthy lifestyles
  • Positive mental health
  • Factual, age-appropriate sexual knowledge
  • Informing and preparing young people for adult life
  • Addressing our changing society including use of technology


The Life to the Full scheme offers a healthy and holistic approach to children’s understanding of themselves through 3 modules (Created and loved by God, Created to Love Others, Created to Live in Community)

These are delivered via a series of activities, workshops, videos, discussions, prayers and songs, and focus on social, emotional, physical and spiritual development.


In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, RSHE focuses on relationships and friendships, building self-esteem and avoiding conflict. Life to the Full teaches about the special uniqueness of each of one of us and how we experience God’s love for us in our family, school and parish communities where we feel safe and loved.


In Key Stage 2, we teach about life processes and the main stages of the human life cycle as part of science in the National Curriculum. Life to the Full programme ensures that both boys and girls know about puberty and how their bodies change during puberty, including menstruation and the Year 6 curriculum explains how human life is conceived within a loving marital relationship. Children also learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy in our modern world.
