To finish off our learning about rocks and fossils, we went to Stonepit Fields. Here, we learned about what Milton Keynes looked like thousands of years ago, what different types of rocks look like and we also went fossil hunting - we even got to take away one fossil each!
Food Tasting
As part of our Design and Technology topic, we have been tasting different foods ready to make our own healthy sandwiches. Some of the foods were really tasty, and some were really not!
50th Street Party
We had a great day celebrating the 50th birthday of our school. We made hats, learned and performed a country dance and enjoyed eating our lunch outside.
Stick Skeletons
After learning about the different bones in the human body, we went outside and tried to make our own accurate skeletons using sticks and other materials from outside.
Holy Spirit Day
To celebrate the feast of Pentecost we had a really exciting day. The children had a go at liturgical dance, making a wind sock showing the gifts of the Holy Spirit and discussed philosophical questions. We also celebrated the birth of the church by having a birthday, and remembering the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The children worked in pairs to create a piece of drama demonstrating one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Hokusai – Watercolour Art
The children looked at examples of Hokusai’s ‘36 views of Mount Fuji’ collection and then attempted to recreate one of the paintings using watercolour paints. The final results are really effective!
Testing Soil
In science, the children collected two different soil samples from around the school and then mixed them with water. They then compared the two soil samples a day later to see how the components that make up the soil had separated. The children will also test the pH level of the soils which will help inform them which plants will grow best in which areas in the school.
Properties of Rocks
In science we have had great fun experimenting with all different types of rocks. We have been looking at various types of rocks, including metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks. The children have had a great time experimenting with a variety of different rocks whether or not they are permeable, how durable they are and if they float or sink.
Volcano Art
We had fun experimenting with tissue paper to create our own volcano artwork. We tried to use the same techniques as Margaret Godfrey.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
We read about how the Holy Spirit came and gave gifts to the disciples. We then worked in small groups to make music to retell the story.
Spring Bonnet Parade
We had a very fun afternoon sharing our fabulous Spring bonnets on Thursday. All of the bonnets were creative and unique. Well done to everybody for working so hard on your creations over the Easter holidays!
On Wednesday, the children were very active when trying their hardest on the Fit for 50 circuit – it was exhausting! In the afternoon they had a wonderful time trying out all the stalls and raising money for SEPO. As a class we ran a Splat the Rat stand and the children took it in turns to run the stall.
Roman Day
The children had a fantastic day dressed up as Romans. They worked in pairs to make their own Roman catapults, followed a recipe to bake honey cakes and in the afternoon they enjoyed a Roman feast where they were able to try lots of foods that the Romans would have eaten.
Design and Technology
In DT the children worked on their teamwork and problem solving skills to design and make a tool to move a token as far as possible. They worked in small groups using a range of materials to try to make the most successful tool.
Science Day
On Science Day we carried out our own investigations, made a mini ecosystem in a bottle by following instructions and were visited by some students from St. Paul’s school. We were able to explore magnets, microscopes and circuits. Our favourite part however, was trying the Van de Graaff generator which we found very funny!
Parts Of A Plant
Using the materials in their boxes, the children needed to think of a way to teach a reception child about the parts of a plant. They worked well in groups and enjoyed presenting their work at the end of the lesson.
Making Mosaics
As part of our topic work on the Romans we have learned about mosaics. The children planned and made their own mosaics. It was more difficult than it looked!
Verulamium Trip
We went to the Verulamium museum in St. Albans and found out lots about Roman life. We were able to dress up and handle many Roman artefacts. It was quite tricky to work out what some of them were used for. We also walked around the museum, looking at all of the interesting artefacts on display before walking to see the hypocaust nearby.
Constructing 3D Shapes
We got very messy whilst making 3D shapes from marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We used this to make cubes, cuboids, tetrahedrons, triangular prisms and square based pyramids.
Magnet Exploration
We had great fun exploring materials and magnets. We used the terms attract and repel during this lesson and tried to spot patterns in which materials were magnetic or not.
Angle Hunting
3M have been using their angle monsters to try and find examples of right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles around the classroom.
We used drama to show actions of forces and magnets. The rest of the class had to guess whether the action shown was a push or a pull force.
In 3M we made a potion for a successful new year! We used our measuring skills to measure out the ingredients and then mixed them altogether to make sure 2018 is going to be a good year!
Tea Bag Investigation
Last week the children worked in groups to plan their own investigation to find out which material makes the best tea bag. This week the children carried out their experiment and drew a conclusion based on their findings.
Maps and Atlases
The children used atlases to find human and physical geography features of the United Kingdom and then used a map to identify human and physical geography features in Milton Keynes.
Chocolate Investigation
In Science we have tested different types of chocolate to find out which would be best for a chocolate chip cookie. We decided the best would be the chocolate which melted the slowest.
Performance Poetry
In English 3M have been learning about different types of poetry. We practised reading different poems with expression and performed our poems, with actions, to the class.
Judaism week
On Monday 13th November Year 3 had a visit from Mrs Elijah. She showed us how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat. We saw lots of artefacts and got to try some Challah bread and drink from a Kiddush Cup.
Cowboy and Cowgirl Computing
We have been working very had trying to find and fix bugs in programs on Scratch during computing. This lesson we fixed bugs as cowboys and cowgirls while we tried on our costumes for the Christmas performance.
UV Protection
We went outside to try and find out how well different sunglasses protect our eyes. We looked at how quickly UV reactive beads changed colour when they were underneath the sunglasses. It was really hard to keep the test fair!
Neolithic Balls
This half term our Design and Technology has linked with our Topic work. We have designed and made our own Neolithic carved stone balls out of clay. It was hard to design them as nobody knows exactly what they were used for!
The Big Dig
On Friday 27th September, we took part in a big dig. We dug for artefacts outside, made our own cave paintings and made a Stone Age necklace. It was a really busy and fun day!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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