Year 6M
Spectacular Soup
Year 6M have been developing their cooking skills this half term in their DT lessons. They learnt how to peel safely and how to cut and dice vegetables using the claw and bridge methods. They put this learning into practice to prepare (and more importantly taste) a vegetable soup.

Light of the World
In their RE lesson, Year 6 listened to John’s gospel of Jesus healing the man born blind. In this scripture, Jesus tells His disciples ‘I am the light of the world’. We discussed the meaning of this statement from Jesus and looked at some artwork representing this scripture. We spoke about the symbolism in the pictures before creating our own artwork to teach this message.

In their PE lessons this half term, 6M’s topic is gymnastics. We have been practising showing good body tension and applied this skill when performing some group balances. This was doubly difficult as we had to show good teamwork and communication in addition to body tension.

Online Reputation
Year 6 discussed how they could develop a positive online reputation during their e-safety lesson. They agreed that to have a good digital footprint, they needed to make ethical, safe and responsible choices online, always remembering that they are effective witnesses for Christ.
"Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31)

To mark Epiphany, in their class worship, 6M listened to the scripture from Matthew’s gospel about when the wise men offered Jesus their 3 gifts. We each decided on a gift we would give to Jesus this year and went to our courtyard to offer these gifts to Him.

No Pens' Day Debate
In their English lessons, Year 6 have been preparing persuasive speeches about whether Year 6 children should be expected to complete 2 hours of voluntary service per week. They read parts of Malala Yousafzai’s speech to the UN in order to identify real-life examples of effective persuasive techniques.
On No Pens Day, two children represented the class to argue that Year 6 children should not complete 2 hours of voluntary service per week. They did a brilliant job and included research and quotes to support their side of the argument. Well done!

Young Shakespeare Company – Twelfth Night Performance
Year 6 took part in a brilliant interactive performance of Twelfth Night today. Through helping to build the atmosphere, making predications about the plot and thinking deeply about the feelings and motivations of the characters, they have gained a good understanding of Shakespeare’s play. They are now looking forward to applying this learning in their History and English lessons later in the half term.

Classifying Invertebrates
Today, we used the Linnaean system – created by Carl Linnaeus - to classify living things. This is a hierarchy and living things are classified based on observable characteristics. We used a classification key to classify the invertebrates we found.

Designing and Making Alarms
6M’s DT learning has been strongly linked to their science learning this half term. They have used their knowledge and understanding of circuits and conductors in order to design and make an alarm for a ‘valuable object’. They showed great teamwork and problem-solving skills as well as their great DT skills!

Vocation and Commitment
At the beginning of their RE topic about Vocation and Commitment, Father Gerard came to talk to Year 6 about his life as a priest. He shared with us the story of how he became a priest, his time at the seminary and gave us an insight into his busy schedule. It was very interesting to find out what a big commitment it is to be a priest.

Shakespearean Sonnets
This week in their English lessons, Year 6 have been writing their own Shakespearean Sonnets. While this may sound easy as each sonnet only has 14 lines, it is a difficult challenge to create the correct syllable and rhyming pattern. The children showed great resilience and are very proud of their final poems.

Reading Buddies
Each week, Year 6 visits the reception class to share a book with their reading buddy. It is a wonderful opportunity to share a love of reading and develop positive relationships between the oldest and youngest in our school community.

Agony Aunt Letters
In their English lessons, Year 6 have been focussing on the story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. They have written an ‘Agony Aunt’ letter, imagining that they are Juliet after Romeo’s marriage proposal. They really got into character and made some brilliant language choices to demonstrate Juliet’s dilemma!

Making Simple Circuits
Year 6M have been creating simple series circuits in their science lessons. They have experimented with how to make a bulb light, a motor spin and a buzzer make a sound. They also looked at adding more than one bulb and only using one cell. They showed excellent teamwork skills and problem-solving skills too!

Our School Mission Statement
Year 6 have begun their year by thinking about our school mission statement. They have reflected on the meaning of Isaiah 43:1 and have written a letter to a friend, explaining what these words mean to them.