School News Archive: 2016-2017
Big Bang Fair
Our lucky scientists from KS2 had an amazing time at the Big Bang Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. We saw a fantastic show all about space, learnt about our reactions, made our own miniature cars and even tasted different chocolates!

Singing Playgrounds
This half-term sees the launch of ‘Singing Playgrounds’. The aim of the project is to teach children a variety of singing games which they can then play themselves. A group of 30 KS2 children volunteered to be ‘Song Leaders’ and they spent a whole day learning how to do this important role.
Each week our song leaders will decide which songs children will enjoy the most and then teach them to any children that want to join in. The programme has generated a lot of enthusiasm so far and we have already learnt lots of new song games.
The ‘Singing Playground’ leaders will be about on the playground on Monday and Friday lunchtimes. Get them to show you how they go! It’s a fantastic way to meet new friends, try something new and learn some different games to play with other people.
Going for Gold - Pizza Express
The Going for Gold winners for the first half of spring term were treated to a trip to Pizza Express. They learnt all about the Pizza Express special recipe and had a thorough lesson in how to make their own pizza. After making their pizza, they had exclusive use of the restaurant to eat their creations. All winners agreed that it was a fantastic prize!

Young Voices Concert 2017
On the 19th January, 20 children from Year 5 travelled to the O2 Arena in London to take part in the Young Voices concert – the largest school choir in the world. Over 7000 children sang alongside The Beatbox Collective (world champion beatboxers), Natalie Williams (Jazz singer), Tabby Callaghan (Irish rock singer), as well as a range of talented musicians and singers from the Young Voices team. The children were entertained by Urban Strides, a group of street dancers, and even parents were invited to join in with their dance moves. A fantastic time was had by all and we can’t wait until next year to take part again.

Going for Gold - Spring Term 1 2016
Our Going for Gold winners have been chosen and they will be off on an exciting trip to Planet Ice after half term. There, they will have lunch before taking part in an ice skating lesson with qualified skating coaches. Well done to the winners and enjoy your reward!
Going for Gold Winners – October 2015
Our first Going for Gold winners of this academic year have been chosen. They will be enjoying a trip to Chiki Ceramiki after half term. Well done to all of our winners!
New Playground Buddies for 2015-16
Our recruitment drive for new playground buddies has just come to an end and we are delighted to welcome 13 new buddies from Year 5 to the team. Alongside the 7 buddies from Year 6 who are continuing their duty from last year, they will work on a rota to ensure that children can take part in fun games at lunchtime. Good luck to our new recruits!

Gymnastics Challenge Afternoon
On Friday 9th October four children were invited to take part in a gymnastics Challenge Day at MK Springers. We had a fantastic afternoon trying some new tricks and working as a team.

The Big Draw 2015
We had a wonderful afternoon taking part in the Big Draw, the world's biggest drawing festival. We explored drawing and mark making in new and exciting ways, using lots of different materials. Children made: paintings without paintbrushes, pendulum paintings, musical marks as we listened to music by Vivaldi, investigated how the sun can make a drawing for us and we explored drawing with different body parts, including our feet!

Milton Keynes Lightning Assembly
We were very lucky to have a visit from some special guests this morning! Nick Poole, General Manager of the MK Lightning ice hockey team and Pucky the mascot came to tell us about a special match night to which we are all invited. Information will be sent to you via the book bags. We hope to see you on the 3rd October at Planet Ice!
Summer Reading Challenge 2015
Look how many of us took part in the Summer Reading Challenge which involved reading six books over the summer holiday. We showed our certificates and medals in Congratulations Assembly. Well done to everyone who took part!