Year 6
Solar Eclipse
Year 6 made these great models of the earth, sun and moon to understand what happens during a solar eclipse. As we made our models we watched the amazing images of what was happening on the smartboard and noticed the way the sky outside turned very dark and grey.

In Science we investigated the best conditions for yeast to grow and thrive. In our groups we were able to choose our own question to investigate. This meant we had a range of investigations happening around the class and that we could share our results with other groups at the end.

Year 6 certainly made the most of the snow which fell on Tuesday! We had an extra-long break time and built some fantastic snow creations including a huge snow-wizard and a snow-turtle.

Evolution and Inheritance
In Science, we have been studying Evolution and Inheritance. We have been thinking about the features that pass on through generations in animals and humans. We had a lot of fun using photographs of our own families to observe inherited characteristics.

Year 6 were lucky enough to be visited by 5 Firemen from Bletchley fire station. They came into school to show us the equipment and apparatus they use and to help us make sure we would be safe in the event of a fire in our homes. It was very interesting to hear their stories and we had great fun trying out the hose in the school car park! As a dramatic end to their visit, they received an emergency call and left the school with sirens on and lights flashing. It really showed us what a vital job they do every day.

Year 6 Macbeth
Year 6 have recently been learning about Shakespeare’s Macbeth. This spooky and gruesome play has allowed us to develop super speaking and listening skills through a range of drama activities. As well as acting parts of the play ourselves, we have been able to watch the play being performed by actors from the Young Shakespeare Company which was very enjoyable. We have made a super display showing our understanding of the setting and have written brilliant witches’ spells and diaries showing our understanding of the storyline.
Year 6 Ukulele
Year 6 have been working hard in class to learn the Ukulele. We have learnt 4 chords and are able to strum together on the beat. When we sing and play it really is a happy sound! So far, we are able to play London Bridge and This Old Man. We hope to try some pop songs soon!

Year 6 Greeks Topic
The first topic studied in Year 6 was Ancient Greeks. We learnt about Greek gods, myths, art and architecture and about the artefacts that still exist from Ancient Greece today. We had a brilliant time during our trip to the British Museum where we saw the Parthenon Marbles and then debated where the marbles should now be housed back at school. Many children became really interested in the topic and created fantastic homework projects such as model Greek temples and Greek armour to reflect their own research and learning.