Year 2TL
Linford Lakes
Year 2TL went on a trip to Linford Lakes to help us with our Science topic, Plants and Habitats. We learnt what habitats need to have in order to be a suitable place for a living thing. We also had a chance to see different types of habitats and the minibeasts that lived within them. We went pond dipping and made our own habitats for different types of animals. We had a fantastic day!

In RE we have been learning about baptism. We re-enacted a baptism to see the special objects used for a baptism such as oil, holy water, candle and certificate. We also looked at the special people involved with a baptism, especially focusing on the priest and the godparents.

Plant Salad
In Science we have been learning about plants. We made a plant salad using the different parts of a plant. Carrots and ginger are the roots of a plant, celery is the stem, lettuce and basil are the leaves, broccoli and cauliflower are the flower and tomatoes and peppers are the fruit.

Maps of the World
In 2TL we enjoyed exploring the atlases and finding out about our World. We used the atlases and maps to identify and locate the 7 Continents of the world, 5 Oceans and the United Kingdom.