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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year 3

Cultural Diversity Week

Welcome to Year 3's fusion pot of fabulous children. We have learnt about cultures and traditions from India, Poland, Ghana, Nigeria, Lebanon, Philippines, Ukraine, Italy, Spain and Slovakia. From African drumming to tasting foods from around the world and learning about Sikhism ; it has been a very exciting week!


In Science, the children were very excited to learn about the process of fossilisation. They ordered the 6 different stages of fossilisation and stuck the stages to a dinosaur body.  Finally, they  explained the process to their classmates. It was an exciting afternoon!

Margaret Godfrey

We have been learning about Margaret Godfrey, the famous artist from the USA, and her use of watercolours in paintings. Today we had a go at a watercolour mash, and we were quite happy with the results. We will be using her techniques to create our painting of volcanoes.


The children had big smiles on their faces after receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation for the second time at school. Their hearts and minds are ready to receive Jesus as they make their First Holy Communion.

Amazing Volcanoes

Our homework corner looks absolutely brilliant with all the paintings, drawings and volcano models that the children have so creatively made. Keep up the fantastic work Year 3!


We looked at what makes good ‘earthquake proof’ buildings. We had a go at making our own earthquake proof structures using spaghetti and marshmallows. We tested them in a seismic box. It was a challenging task - not all structures passed the test!

Healthy Pitta Pockets

After weeks of researching and planning our pitta pockets, we finally made them. We made extra sure that they were’ HEALTHY’ by using lots of fruits and vegetables, some protein, carbohydrates and dairy ingredients. The outcome was truly nutritious and delicious!


We learnt two new songs today ‘Calypso ‘and ‘The Train’.  They are very catchy tunes and we also learnt a set of actions to go with each song.

Water Safety

The school was very fortunate to have an assembly on water safety which was presented by the Canals and Water River Trust Team. They spoke about how we can be safe near water and shared with us the acronym ‘SAFE’ – STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE.


The children tasted a range of different food items to put in their healthy pitta pockets. They tasted ham, chicken, lettuce, cress, tomatoes, houmous. cheese, avocado, wholemeal and white pitta breads. They now know exactly what fillings they will need to put in their nutritious pitta pockets. 


Class Assembly

The children let their lights shine with their singing and RE in their class assembly.  Well done Year 3! Let your light shine and may Jesus always be your friend.


Our new Geography topic for this term is  ‘Earthquakes’. Children learnt about the different layers of the earth and drew similarities between a boiled egg and the layers of the earth. We later spoke about what tectonic plates are and compared the cracks on the eggshell to the tectonic plates on the earth. We tried different hand movements to remember the 3 types of tectonic plate- convergent, divergent and transform.

Religious Education

We started our new RE topic “He is Risen” by learning about the different reactions of different people when they realised that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, but he had risen from the dead. 


After weeks of learning about Antoni Gaudi and his famous mosaic works, we finished our final mosaic piece. Like Antoni Gaudi, we also used shades and colours inspired by nature. We are very proud of our final product.

Sepo Day

As part of our Lenten promise to fast, pray and give, the entire school took part in raising funds for SEPO. Children donated toys and books, which were sold by the Mini Vinnies, and participated in different activities hosted by different classes. The children also lead the entire school while we danced the Macarena. The finale was dancing the Jerusalema - we raised a lot of money for a very good cause.  Well done Year 3  -  keep on smiling and dancing!

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week leading to Easter. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, people waved palms and laid them across Jesus’ path. Churches give people a palm on this day. Many churches have processions, singing songs of praise and waving palms. We made our own palms as a symbolic representation of that day.


They may not be Antoni Gaudi - however looking how focused, creative and innovative they were - one could mistake their work to be the work of the legend himself. The children continue to impress us with their artistic skills.

Stations of the Cross

The children learned about the stations of the cross in their RE lesson. Pictures of the 14 stations were put around the classroom and we went through each station of the cross and tried to relive what happened to Jesus just before he died. We had symbols to remind us about each station and we all joined in with this prayer at each station.

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you because by your holy cross,

you have redeemed the world.

World Book Day

What a fun, exciting day it has been! We worked with our reading buddies to design a book cover and entered a competition to design a national book token.  We enjoyed taking part in the guess the teacher quiz and their favourite book. It was quite tricky!


We started our new topic on Animals. We spoke about the different types of skeletons - endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeletons and discussed the characteristics of each skeleton. We then sorted different animals into these 3 categories. It was quite a challenging task!

Jerusalema Dance

The year 3 children have taken up the Sepo fundraising challenge very seriously. Mrs Taylor-Law joined them and helped them to simplify some of the dance moves. The children have shown that not only can they sing but they can dance too. They hope to raise lots of sponsorship money by displaying their dancing skills for 30 whole minutes. Keep up the excellent work Year 3!

Roman Flags

After mastering the running stich, we put the stich to use by sewing our Roman flags. Some of us also used cross-stich to sew our flags. We personalised our flags with different shapes and designs.  We were very proud of the final outcome.

Roman Day

What a fun, exciting day it has been! We tasted different Roman foods, designed our own Roman pots, made Roman mosaic hearts and acted out scenes between the Celts and the Romans before the finale - a duel between the Celts and Roman warriors.

St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day

We had a wonderful day celebrating the feast day of our patron, St Thomas Aquinas. The day started with Mass celebrated by Fr Jithu. We learnt about St Thomas Aquinas and focused on one of his famous quotes - “The things that we love tell us what we are.” We then made a piece of art writing about what each of us love doing. The final product was brilliant.


Year 3 have been enjoying their music lessons. We have been learning when to sing loudly (forte) and when to sing softly (piano). We are learning some catchy English and Polish songs too!


Year 3 spent some quiet time in the chapel thanking God for the gift of the new year, 2024. They wrote about challenges they wish to overcome this year. They asked God to help them to achieve their goals. They ended their worship session singing the hymn “Thank you Jesus for loving me”.

Sewing Practice

Year 3 spent an afternoon practising the running stitch and managed to master it by the end. We cannot wait to see them use this skill to sew their Roman flags.



As we approach the season of Advent, the children in Year 3 gave serious thought about how they would get ready for Jesus’ birth. They made promises of how they could be better individuals and help people around them. They wrote their Advent promises on Advent candles which were then added to our Advent display. They looked beautiful and heart-warming.


Year 3 had an enriching session with Mrs Elijah who came to visit the school during Judaism week. They learnt about the Torah, the Shabbat/Havdalah candles and the Menorah.  They even got to taste the Challah bread. Most children felt that the bread tasted like normal bread but was a lot sweeter.


Year 3 used all their knowledge and skills when they created their piece of art. Great emphasis was put on the position of the sun so that they could shade their objects accordingly. The outcome was very impressive.

Charcoal Shading

Year 3 have been learning about different shading techniques in Art like cross hatching, stippling and plain shading. They showcased their artistic talents by shading with charcoal and the outcome was very impressive.

Forces and Magnets 

We kick started our new science topic with an enquiry - which objects are magnetic? The children made predictions about which objects they thought would be magnetic and which ones would not.  They then explored using magnets and found some interesting things! Take a look at the magnetic objects we found! 

Milton Keynes and Florence 

We first brainstormed what topics we learn in Geography. We spoke about topics like volcanoes, earthquakes, people, rivers, jobs, maps, tourism, climate and weather.  We ended our lesson by discussing geographical similarities and differences between Florence and Milton Keynes. 


Big Wet Dig

Year 3 archaeologists did not allow the rain to dampen their spirits and their plans. They stayed focused, persevered and found various artefacts by digging. Some of the artefacts they found were hammerstones, flint stones, coins, pebble tools and jewellery. What an exciting wet day it was!



During RE we read St. Paul's letter to the Colossians. We spoke about what qualities that we, as children of God, should show in our lives.


Our topic in science this term is Light. Our scientists in Year 3 worked methodically and scientifically to find out which materials reflect light. They concluded that materials like mirrors, glass and tinfoil are good reflectors of light.

Stone Age

We started our topic by becoming hunter gatherers! We learnt about what life was like as a hunter-gatherer during the Stone Age and compared it to how we get our food now. We also learnt that farming developed after this time.  The hunters had to search for the Stone Age animals and strike them with their weapons (beanbags) three times!


Class Beatitudes

Year 3 worked together as a class and came up with their ‘Class Beatitudes.’ Every single member of the class agreed that we all wanted the members of our class to be helpful, attentive, caring, curious, appreciative and most importantly respectful. We also spoke about respecting God, others, ourselves, our school and the different ways we could show respect.



Year 3 Class Beatitudes

    Blessed are those who are helpful.

Because they will be blessed.

Blessed are those who look after the earth and poor people.

Because they will be trusted.

Blessed are those who are encouraging.

Because they will have lots of friends.

Blessed are those that are kind.

Because they will be loved.

Blessed are those who respect God and others.

Because they will receive graces from heaven

Blessed are those who bring peace to the world.

Because God will pray for them.

Blessed are those who are caring.

Because God will reward them in heaven.


Year 3

Sept 2023
