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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year 2


In Science, as a group, we sorted materials into recyclable or not recyclable. We discussed the advantages of recycling. As a school, we have just started recycling pens in our classroom.

Material Investigation

In our science lesson we spoke about the meaning of the words squash, bend, stretch and twist. We then investigated a range of materials to check if they could be squashed, bent, twisted or stretched.


We enjoyed using a rekenrek to help us understand what numbers are made up of. These are some of the things we found out: 

  • that 8 is made of 5 + 3, so 3 + 5 make 8
  • that 8 is made of 4 + 4, so 4+ 4 make 8
  • that 8 + 2 make 10, so 10 is made of 8 + 2

A rekenrek is a counting frame used in maths. They are used to help children build a sense of number, by helping children to understand number composition. A rekenrek is a fantastic piece of maths equipment to show pupils how to compose and decompose numbers. This helps them build strategies for doing basic mental maths calculations which will help them with their life-long maths understanding.

St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day

What an exciting day we had celebrating the Feast Day of our patron Saint Thomas Aquinas! We started the day by learning facts about the life of Saint Thomas Aquinas. We later explored a school in Stoke that shares the same name as our school and created a card wishing them a happy feast day.  In the afternoon, we attended Mass celebrated by Father Gerard, which was followed by some cake, juice and some dancing.


Leonid Afremov

In Art this term we have been learning about Leonid Afremov. We tried using different brush strokes to check which brush would create the desired outcome. It was strange using an ear bud, lolly stick and a feather to paint.


This term in PE, we are learning gymnastics. It is fun learning how to roll and turn in different ways.

Physical and Human Features

In our Geography lesson we spoke about the differences between physical and human features. We then worked with our partners to sort out pictures into physical features and human features. It was a fun activity, and we learnt a lot.

Pope Francis

We started 2025 with a discussion about Pope Francis and his New Year’s resolutions. We discussed how finishing our meals, not gossiping about others and thinking about the poor are so important. We then wrote our own resolutions inspired by Pope Francis.


In Maths we have been using counters to help us understand how we can share objects equally between groups. This will help us when we go on to learn about division in our Maths lessons.


On 6th January we celebrated the feast of Epiphany to remember the day when the three wise men met baby Jesus for the very first time. We thought about what the three wise men saw at the stable, what they thought when they reached there and what they wondered when they looked at baby Jesus. We then went to the school crib and said a prayer, offering Jesus gifts of kindness , compassion and thoughtfulness towards others.

Fantastic Homework Projects

The children have been creative and very innovative in producing some excellent pieces of homework during the holidays, for our geography topic - coasts, oceans, seas. Just week one and we already have some brilliant pieces on display. Well done Year 2!

The Great Fire of London: Action!

Gather around, young historians! Today, we are going to explore the Great Fire of London in 1666 using some exciting actions. You will learn about the fire while moving like the characters from history.


Today we acted out The Great Fire of London. We explored what it would have been like in 1666 during the fire. We learnt about the historical fire while moving like the characters from history.

But what were we learning?


Use of Imperative Verbs: The text we looked at contained numerous imperative verbs that direct the reader to perform actions. Examples include “Run quickly!” and “Throw the water!”

Historical Context: The text used linked specifically to the Great Fire of London, providing factual references and context about the event, such as the date (1666), key figures (Thomas Farriner), and the devastation of the fire. historical events.

Engagement and Interaction: The text used encouraged students to participate physically through acting out the scenes.

No Pens Day

What a fun, exciting day it has been. We practised our times tables in a very interesting way and discovered that times tables can be lots of fun. We then learnt a dragon poem, ‘My New Pet’, which we performed for the school. There were lots of actions to remember!

Dragon Story

In English, the children planned a story about their dragons and thought about the opening, build up, conflict, resolution and ending of their story. They plotted their story on a story mountain so that they could remember the different stages in their story, before they begin writing it.

Cinema Trip

The children were very excited to visit the cinema to watch ‘ Superworm’ and ‘The Smeds and Smoos’ by Julia Donaldson. After an early lunch, they enjoyed a scenic drive to Odeon. They loved watching the two stories.   

Judaism Week

This week we have been learning about Judaism. We learnt about the customs, traditions and festivals of Jewish people and the key symbols of the faith. We then compared the similarities between Judaism and Christianity.

Wheels and Axels

The children explored different ways to make the wheels of their vehicles and decided on using either blue tack, sellotape or  a rubber band to attach the wheels to the axels. They cannot wait to make their vehicles.


We were very fortunate to have a NSPCC team member visit and speak to us.  We spoke about how every single child has the right to speak out and be safe. If anything worries us or we feel uncomfortable we need to speak to a trusted adult. We discussed who our trusted, safe adults were and we learnt the number 0800 1111,  to call when we need help.

The Great Fire of London

We started our history topic by finding facts about the Great Fire of London. We used different sources and found out the answers to some questions on the key facts. Some facts we researched were very interesting. We cannot wait to learn more about the topic.

Homework Corner

The children continue to shine like ‘SUPERSTARS’ with the fascinating homework projects they have done over the holidays, from brilliant paintings to fabulous models of Pudding Lane bakeries!   They even tried out different recipes of bread. Well done Year 2!


During our computing lessons, we researched The Great Fire of London,1666. We found out many interesting facts, which will help us when we start our new history topic on The Great Fire of London.

Living Things

We began our new science topic this term and discussed what are living things, non-livings things and things that have never been alive. We then sorted pictures into these 3 categories and on post-it notes we wrote a list of items that fall under each category.


We used all the techniques that Monet used especially his choice of warm colours and his pointillism techniques and produced our very own piece of art. The outcome was brilliant.

Holy Rosary

October is the month, which is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, a beautiful prayer that reflects on the life of Jesus through the eyes of his mother, Mary. It is a tradition of the Catholic Church that the rosary is prayed during this month as a beautiful source of strength and gratitude.  For our class worship, we recited one decade of the rosary and offered it for the intention of world peace.


We have been learning that adjectives are describing words. We identified if the word was an adjective and then used it in a sentence.

Reading Buddies

The Year 2 children were visited by the Year 4 children, who read with them. It was lovely to see how they interacted with each other.


In our maths lesson we rolled dice and we made our own 2 digit numbers. We then ordered them from the smallest to the biggest.


We are very lucky to have a member of the MK Dons team teaching us PE on a Tuesday. We had a fun lesson today by learning how we can move like different animals and how our movements can differ based on the animal we were imitating. It was a lot of fun!


This term we have been learning about the famous French artist Claude Monet. The children learnt about analogous colours for his famous paintings and created their own colour wheel using greens, blues and purple.


In English, we have been learning about nouns. We discussed that a noun is a naming word and it can be the name of a person, animal, place or object. We then played a game with our partner where we had many words written down and we had to guess which word was a noun. If we go it correct, we could keep the word and if our partner got it correct, they got to keep it. We really enjoyed the game even though some words were challenging!

Sunflower Seeds

In Science, as part of our topic on plants we planted sunflower seeds. We plan to conduct an experiment on what plants need in order to grow. Some pots will be kept in darkness, some in sunlight, some will be watered daily while some pots will not be watered and some pots will not be given water or sunlight. We want to check if plants can survive without water or sunlight and hopefully in a few weeks we will reach a conclusion.


Homework Display

Our homework corner looks brilliant with all your creative and artistic artwork!  Such innovative ideas were used to make different gardens. Well done to our master artists who used pointillism, Lego, watercolours, leaves, playdough and pasta to make gardens of their own, which reflects our Geography topic ‘Gardens around the world’ and Science topic ‘Plants’. Keep up the excellent work Year 2 superstars!

Plants and Trees

In Science, we have been looking at plants and trees. We observed the different parts of flowers and trees. It was so interesting! We then completed our worksheet and drew a tree and a flower and tried to identify the different parts. We are very proud of our beautiful drawings.