Marathon Day
Marathon Day
Our Lenten fundraising this year was in aid of Sepo – our parish charity - which supports the work of the Comboni sisters as well as supporting the school and parish of St Agatha’s in Mongu, Zambia.
We held lots of great events which helped to raise funds: the Pancake sale at the start of Lent raised £200; the Mothers’ Day Sale raised £160; the Mini Vinnies group raised £490 through holding a book sale; and a raffle on Parents’ Evening raised £140.
The main event this year was our Mini Marathon Day. Children were sponsored by family and friends to run a min marathon in school. We challenged the children to run 16 laps each if they could. This would mean that each class ran 486 laps. With 10 classes in the school, this would total 4860 laps. We did this because it is 4860 miles from Bletchley to Mongu. Lots of children completed their 16 laps with some running as many as 29! It was fantastic to see the children support one another and encourage their classmates to achieve all they could. In the afternoon, after the running in the morning, we held a fete in the hall and classrooms with lots of fun stalls and games. The marathon sponsor money has so far raised around £2500. The fete raised £1080. This is a fantastic achievement!
The money raised will enable the parish of St Agatha’s and the women’s skills centre to have a borehole providing fresh water to the site. This will be a huge benefit to the community. Thank you to all children, parents, staff and friends in the community for your wonderful response to this year’s Lenten appeal.