Charity Fundraising Archive: 2022-2023
Mini Marathon Challenge
On Tuesday, all children took part in our annual fundraising day to raise money for our parish group, Sepo, who support the work of the Comboni Sisters in Zambia.
Milton Keynes is 4860 miles away from Mongu in Zambia and the challenge was to complete 4860 laps around the school field! That meant that each class needed to complete 486 laps between them, an average of 16 laps per child. Despite the very wet weather, children and staff across the school joined in to help us reach our target. Well done everyone!
In the afternoon, there were many stalls, games and activities to try. The hook-a-duck, penalty shootout and tin-can knockdown were popular and so was the ice-pop sale. Delicious fruit mocktails were on offer too! Mini Vinnies ran the book sale and School Council organised the Sponge a Teacher game which was a big hit!
Thank you for all your efforts and sponsorship. Over £1000 has been raised to help our friends in Mongu. Members of staff will be visiting projects in Mongu this summer so will be able to update you on their return.
Sepo Day