Year R
Minibeast Hunt
Reception went on a wonderful minibeast hunt to kick off our new topic, ‘Animals and Minibeasts’. We took our clipboards and we were able to tick off the butterfly before we even left the classroom as a beautiful butterfly came to visit us! We turned over logs and rocks and discovered so many wonderful minibeasts. Worms, woodlice, snails, ants and slugs were among the discoveries. Some of us even had a go at holding them! We brought some of them back to our classroom for a visit so we could continue to observe them more closely.
What A Wonderful World!
At the end of an amazing half term of learning about transport and all the different ways we have travelled around our earth, this week we are celebrating how wonderful our world is. We went exploring in the Secret Garden and discovered lots of beautiful plants, flowers, trees and a pond full of tadpoles! We sat quietly and just listened to the sounds of the birds and then sketched our favourite part of the Secret Garden. We also collected some tadpoles to take back to our classroom to watch and look after. What a wonderful world!

As part of our transport topic, ‘All Aboard’, Reception told the story of ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. The boy finds a penguin and wants to help it find its way home to the South Pole, as he thinks the penguin is lost. After an amazing journey in the boys’ boat, they reach the South Pole. The penguin looks so sad when he says goodbye and the boy realises it is not lost, but lonely!
We sang songs, like Rod Stewart’s ‘I am Sailing’ with a special guest appearance by Rod himself! We danced the ‘Chicken Dance’, as the birds in the story were much too busy to listen to the boy. We moved our eyebrows to the beat of the song, as the boat was prepared for the long journey to the South Pole! Reception told their story of beautiful friendship in a truly wonderful way.

Jesus' Journey
In our RE learning in Reception, we have been exploring Jesus’ journey during Lent. After listening to the amazing Bible chapter story, ‘The sun stops shining’, we each drew how we imagined Jesus looked on the cross and reflected on all that happened to him, just before and after he died.

Chinese New Year
Reception celebrated Chinese New Year! We learnt so much about this wonderful celebration. We discovered that this year, 2024, was the year of the dragon. Throughout our week of learning, we worked in groups to paint and decorate an amazing dragon. For our final celebration, we took our dragon to the hall to do some dragon dancing! We followed this with a delicious meal.

Police Visit
As part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic, we were very lucky to have a visit from Sgt. Revell. He talked to us about his very important job, what he does, how he keeps people safe for us and showed us some of the equipment he has to use. Then, he let us have a look and try on some of his uniform and explore his amazing car! We also listened to the siren which was extremely loud!
Awesome Autumn
We went on a walk together to find signs of Autumn. Not only did we find some beautiful autumn leaves that the wind was blowing around, we also found some clues to a story which we shared later in the day, called ‘Tidy’. In the story Pete the badger tried to tidy the forest from all the falling autumn leaves!

Class Worship
We shared a beautiful class worship and silently had our own special time to talk to God.

Flying Kites
After sharing the story ‘Titch’ by Pat Hutchins, we designed and made our own beautiful kites to fly. We were very happy with how fast and high they flew!
Handa's Surprise
After sharing our class story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we practised balancing quoits and beanbags on our heads, trying to be just like Handa carrying the basket of fruit to her friend!