Year 3B
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to Year 3B on your First Holy Communion. It was a wonderful day, full of celebrations!
Pitta Pockets
During our DT lessons, we have been finding out what equipment we need to use when making our Pitta Pockets. We learnt how to safely use a knife, grater and vegetable peeler when preparing vegetables and fruit for our Pitta Pockets.

World Book Day
We had a fantastic world book day! As Miss Bhogal came as Cruella De Ville, a well known villain, we all created our own villain masks! We then had a hilarious visit from Pep the Poet - he made us laugh and some of us even got to dress up! We finished the day with the STA Masked Reader video, the children found it very tricky to guess which teachers were behind the mask!

Science Day
Today, we had a whole day dedicated to SCIENCE! We learnt about Earth and Space and made our own straw rockets. We learnt about the different forces that were being used to make the rockets fly. We then had competitions to see whose rockets could go the furthest! We then carried out an investigation to answer the question - 'Can people with longer femurs jump further?’
We also had a very exciting visit from Chris the Scientist who taught us lots of different facts about Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Feast Day
We had a great day celebrating St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day! We learnt all about the life of St Thomas Aquinas and thought about how we can ‘warm the world’ like he did. We had great fun making our bookmarks for the competition and even enjoyed some treats at the end of the day!

Sewing Skills
In Year 3, we have been set the task of making a Roman Standard, a flag, in our DT lessons. As part of this topic we had to practise our sewing skills to ensure that we are ready to do some beautiful sewing!

Shifting Shadows
What happens to our shadows throughout the day? Year 3B can help you answer this question!

We learnt about the significance of Stonehenge and even made our own mini versions out of clay!

Mirror Games
In Science, we played some mirror games to help us understand how light helps mirrors to function. The children had to write mirror messages for a friend to read and then completed a mirror maze!

Hunter Gatherers
We kick started our new topic of Stone Age to Iron Age by becoming hunter gatherers! We learnt that during the Stone Age, people used to hunt animals and gather berries, nuts and leaves for their food, clothes and other everyday uses.