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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

STAMP 2023 - 2024

Lenten Prayer Stations

The STA Mission and Prayer Team designed, set up and lead an afternoon of prayer when children from Year 3 and 4 were invited to join prayer stations which help them to reflect on the scripture and Passion of Jesus.


The prayer stops were themed around triumphant names of Jesus at Palm Sunday, our own denials as shown through Peter’s denial, The Last Supper as the first Mass, each of our sins as a nail in the cross and serving our friends as Jesus did when he washed feet.


‘I loved that we had quiet time to think and pray.’ – Year 4 child


‘Being calm and peaceful is nice to remember what Easter is really about.’  - Year 4 child


‘We took our shoes off so we could really connect with the activities. The crown of thorns prayer station really made me sad.’ - Year 3 child


‘Preparing these was fun and helped me think about each of Jesus’ actions and what they mean to me. I liked helping the younger children, I could be a teacher too.!’ - STAMP member.

STAMP Meeting

The new Mission and Prayer team used their first meeting to reflect on the words of Pope Francis:

‘Each of us has a part to play, a gift to share, a service to offer as we build the body of Christ together, with love.’ (2013)


Through thoughtful discussion, the children shared ideas about how they could respond to the Pope’s words as members of our STAMP team.
