Year 1C
World Book Day
On Friday 11th March we celebrated World Book Day. We all dressed up as one of our favourite characters and we brought some of our favourite stories to school too. Throughout the day, we did lots of fun activities such as: sharing our favourite stories; creating bookmarks; learning stories and poems and we even had an exciting visit from Pep the Poet. Here are some photos from our day!
Science Day
On Wednesday 9th March we celebrated Science Day as a school. We started the day by visiting Chemical Chris. He showed us lots of exciting science experiments and then we even got to make our own slime, containing blue dinosaur spit! Throughout the day, we experimented with making the best paper helicopters; creating coloured bubbles; experimenting with measuring out and making our own slime.

Feast Day
Year One had an exciting day celebrating St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day on 28th January. We started the day by learning about who St Thomas Aquinas was. We learnt that he is the patron saint of students. We also listened to a quote from him:
“There is nothing on this Earth to be more prized than friendship.”
We enjoyed a special assembly by Father Christopher and we took part in a class competition to design a bookmark. On our bookmarks was another of St Thomas Aquinas’ quotes “The things that we love tell us what we are”. We decided to base our bookmarks on the things that we love. Finally, this afternoon we had an afternoon of fun and feasting! What a fantastic day!

Cute Chicks
During the last two weeks of half term, Year One were lucky enough to hatch 11 chicks. We had the eggs delivered and kept them safe in an incubator for a few days before they began to hatch. Once they had all hatched, we moved them across to a brooder box with a heat lamp, some sawdust, food and water. We learnt all about the life cycle of the chicks and how to look after them

Gruffalo Hunt
On Wednesday 14th October Year One went on their first school trip. We were very excited to travel on a coach with our friends all the way to Wendover Woods. As soon as we arrived, we used a map to go on a Gruffalo hunt. We even managed to find him! After that, we had a picnic lunch and then we used magnifying glasses to look for minibeasts. We found lots of slugs underneath a damp log. We even had time to play at the park. It was a brilliant day!