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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Charity Fundraising Archive: 2021-2022

Summer Sepo Challenge

The challenge was set for the children to complete a selection of 25 varied activities including fitness tasks, dot-to-dot and Tongue Twisters for 25 seconds each.  This was to celebrate 25 years, the silver anniversary, of St Agatha’s parish in Mongu, who are supported by our parish group, Sepo.

All children took part in the fundraising day. During the morning, the children had fun completing the 25 challenges and spent the afternoon, enjoying stalls and games designed, organised and run by the children in each class.  Thank you for your sponsorship and generosity. The money raised will help to buy 25 things needed in the parish community in Mongu.

CAFOD - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

We held a yellow and blue mufti day to raise money for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.  A big thank you to staff, children and parents for raising over £850.  Well done everyone.


