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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year 5

Oat Cakes

Year 5 have had an exciting day making their oatcakes. In the afternoon, they peeled and chopped their fruit to place on top of their oat cakes with a topping of strawberry jam, apricot jam and honey. After all the excitement, they got to eat their very own oat cake! Next week, they will evaluate their delicious treat!

Anglian Water

A visitor from Anglian Water came in to teach us all about being sustainable with water. We learnt what should go down the drains and the consequences if we do not look after them and our water system! We are determined to make a change!


Chopping, Peeling and Cutting

Year 5 have started their new DT topic - to make a Viking oat cake. We learnt about the different ways the Vikings got their food and which fruits were in season at the time. Year 5 then practised their chopping, peeling and cutting using the bridge method and claw method. They had lots of fun and even got to eat the food afterwards.

Phone Cases

Year 5 worked tremendously hard to complete their phone cases. They created their own personal design criteria, designed their own phone case, chose their own stitch to use and added a button. They look fantastic! Well done Year 5!


This half term, Year 5 will be sewing their very own phone case that they will have designed, decorated and sewed together. Over the past 2 weeks, they have been practising their sewing skills - we looked at a running stitch, blanket stitch and a back stitch. They had lots of fun and worked very hard!

No Pens' Day Debate

The children worked really hard preparing for our No Pens Day debate which looked at whether we should help animals who were in trouble despite them not being our pets. The children were tasked with researching their debates, finding evidence and quotes to support their points. We are really proud of our debaters who represented Year 5! They spoke with confidence, articulation and maturity. Well done!

Irreversible or Reversible Materials

In Science, we have been looking at what materials are, irreversible or reversible. We concluded that water and flour, cooking an egg and mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda were not reversible but melting chocolate was!

Judaism Week

We were very lucky to have Mrs Elijah visit us, talk to us about Passover, the Sedar Plate and what each item on the plate symbolised. We were able to try some of the food, mainly the Matzah (bread), Maror (horseradish) and Charoset (apple mixture) - which we thought was yummy!  We spent some time using this knowledge to create a piece of work about the Sedar Plate. Here are some of our pieces of work.

Dissolving Solutes

Year 5 have been looking at ‘dissolving’ in their science lessons. We tested out a range of everyday solutes such as coffee, sugar, salt, couscous and sand to see what was insoluble and soluble. We had so much fun!

Newspaper Reports

In the latter part of this half term, Year 5 have been writing their very own newspaper about the Rosetta Stone. They drafted, edited and had the opportunity to publish this on the laptops. They worked industriously hard with their writing projects. We think they look great!

October, Month of the Holy Rosary

Mrs Guina, an expert in praying the Rosary, taught our class a bit more about why the Rosary is important and how to pray using the Rosary beads. We prayed a decade together in class.

Ourselves - Respond Lesson

In this topic, we have been discovering more about how God created us as unique beings, how He wants us to be more like Him and how we should look after God’s Creation. During our Respond lesson, each table focused on the Listen to the Word and Respond sections. A few groups then carried out their worship.

Death Masks

Year 5 had a great time creating their death mask. They stencilled out their Nemes (The head piece of the Pharaoh) and cut it out and used papier mâché to cover it. In the following weeks, they will paint and decorate their very own death masks! We think they are looking great already.

Thermal Insulator

This week in science, Year 5 were tasked with finding the best thermal insulator for a lunch box! They had a range of different materials, such as cloth, foil, wood and elastic. We wrapped it around an ice cube and measured the time it took to melt. Year 5 concluded that foil was the best thermal insulator.

Reading Buddies

Year 5 have been reading with their buddies every week. We have really enjoyed sharing a variety of books together, great discussions about all the wonderful characters and learning lots of new vocabulary along the way!

Electrical Conductors

Year 5 were tasked with finding the best electrical conductor in science. They had a variety of materials such as paper clips, pins, cloth, wood and plastic. We concluded that the pins and paper clips were the best electrical conductor.


Year 5 were tasked with identifying properties of different materials and recorded their findings.  They tested for magnetism, flexibility, permeability and whether it was transparent. They did such a great job finding out the different properties of materials around the classroom.


Year 5 worked together during their first RE lesson to come up with a class set of Beatitudes. We read the story,  ‘Sermon on the Mount’, and produced our own Beatitudes that we could use within our daily life at school and home.
