Year RT
All Afloat on Noah's Boat
Our class assembly was the story ‘All Afloat on Noah’s Boat’! The children told the story of Noah’s Ark through acting, singing and an amazing talent show- ‘Noah’s Got Talent!’ Noah needed to keep the animals busy while they were on the ark!
Beautiful performances from everyone, celebrating the wonderful world God created.

Holy Spirit Day
We celebrated Holy Spirit day with so many wonderful activities. We sang and danced to a great song - ‘The Holy Spirit Fills Me Up’ - with lots of actions. We decorated flame red biscuits, and made windmills to represent the sound of wind that the disciples heard. We also made collage flames and made them into hats to really feel the Holy Spirit reaching us all.

World Week
During World Week we learned about the religion of Sikhism. We discovered that Sikh people dress in beautiful outfits, dresses and saris. We cut out material and collaged and decorated our own beautiful Sikh men and women.

Rockets and Aliens
We are learning about transport and this week took us on rocket ships into space! Then a rocket ship landed in our playground! We investigated and discovered green footprints that disappeared into the bushes! We think it must have been an alien rocket ship! We made our own aliens out of play dough and wrote sentences to describe them. Perhaps the aliens that crashed looked like some of these!

Science Week
During Science week Reception have been thinking about toys that move! To launch our exciting week we made some amazing paper aeroplanes and took them outside to test them to find out just how far they could fly!

Our Trip
We all enjoyed a wonderful trip to Build-a-Bear in the City Centre. We chose a gorgeous rabbit bear who we have named ‘Wonder Rabbit’! He is now our class bear who will stay with us all the way to Year 6! We then visited MK Gallery and were the first school to visit since it re-opened at the weekend. We took part in some amazing creative learning, from exploring the sensory area, to experiencing the delightful smells of the herb garden where we could dig and plant. A really wonderful day for us all.