Year 4D
Holy Spirit Day
We had a wonderful day of fun and reflection as part of this year’s Holy Spirit Day celebrations. During one of our activities, we created a Holy Spirit mobile, using flames and doves that hung down from the ceiling. On the back of the flames and doves, we wrote down the times that the Holy Spirit has helped us. This is now on display by the school lockers, so that we can be reminded of the strength that the Spirit gives us every day

Maya Day
On Tuesday 4th March, Year 4 had a whole day of activities based around their current topic of the Ancient Maya Civilisation. We had a special visitor - an expert on all things related to the Maya people. We learned about their religion, their number system and even had a go at acting out some of the sacrificial rituals!

RAF Museum
On Tuesday last week, Year 4D went on a trip to the RAF Museum in London. The children looked on in amazement at the vehicles on display and read about the history of the Royal Air Force. Whilst at the museum, both Year 4 classes took part in a workshop where they tried on real RAF jackets and even held a deactivated incendiary bomb!

Remembrance Assembly
On Friday 9th November, Year 4D performed a very moving Remembrance Assembly. Remembrance Day is a very special day in our year, where we all come together to reflect on the sacrifices made by brave men and women who fought to protect us.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
we will remember them.

RE Press Conference
In RE Year 4D held their very own press conference to interview some key figures from Jesus’ family tree. Children took on the roles of Abraham, Isaac, Solomon and Joseph whilst the rest of the class acted as journalists, asking them a variety of questions.

Campbell Park Trip
On Tuesday 25th September Year 4 visited Campbell Park for a morning of orienteering activities. Using their compasses, the children had to navigate their way through the park to find the different art structures and pin point them on a map.

Invertebrate hunt
Today we went on an outdoor invertebrate hunt. We used classification keys to determine what the bugs we found were and then we identified them by drawing the different bugs.