Year 2
Howe Park Woods
Year 2 have been very lucky to work with James Aldridge, a visual artist whose practice combines sensory interaction - such as walking, collecting and making - with research into ecology and history. As part of The Green Town Group we had the opportunity to go to Howe Park woods and work with James. Over the three visits to the woods, we looked at different ways to use natural materials to make art. The children enjoyed taking part in the project and discovering that art comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and can be made with many different materials!
Roald Dahl
On Thursday 9th June 2016 we went to the Roald Dahl gallery in Aylesbury to find out all about Roald Dahl and his amazing books. We had a great time exploring the gallery and in the afternoon we made our own dream bottles!

3D shapes
We made some amazing 3D sea creatures. Can you see a cuboid? Cube? Cone?

Tudor Day
We had a fantastic Tudor day and the children really got into the spirit of the day! We enjoyed making pottage (poor people’s food), making Masquerade masks, learning a Tudor dance and celebrating the whole day with a Tudor Banquet.

What does The Holy Spirit mean to you?
We drew symbols of The Holy Spirit using the Learnpads. Each one of us thinks of The Holy Spirit in different ways.

Holy Spirit Day
We looked at the symbols of The Holy Spirit. We all took part in weaving together our sculpture of “water”. We recognised that Fire is also a symbol of The Holy Spirit and we made head crowns of fire to remind us that the Holy Spirit is always with us.

Science Week - Bug Hunt!
We went on a bug hunt to four different habitats around the school. We observed and recorded down the insects found in each habitat.
Here are our results:
Grass | Trees | Hedge | Soil | |
Ant | IIII I | IIII III | ||
Snail | ||||
Ladybird | I | II | ||
Bee | IIII II | I | ||
Spider | I | |||
Beetle | IIII III | I | I | |
Fly | III | IIII IIII I | ||
Centipede | II | |||
Woodlice | II | |||
Other | I |
Following Instructions
We followed a simple set of instructions on how to put on a sari. We had to make sure we carefully read the instructions and followed each step correctly. We then wrote our own set of instructions, making sure each instruction had a verb, a time connective and we also tried to include an adverb!

In our RE lesson we learnt all about the sacrament of baptism. Father Benedetto came in to show us all the signs and symbols we see during a baptism. We learnt lots from him and we really enjoyed his visit.

Dragon Medicine
Class 2TL received a strange, but wonderful, letter from the land of the dragons! In this letter it told us that we needed to write a set of instructions on how to make a magic medicine to wake all the sleeping dragons. We all worked very hard at writing our instructions using some very strange ingredients!
All these strange ingredients were delivered to our class and we had to follow the instructions carefully to make the medicine. If it fizzed and bubbled then we had made it correctly. Can you see if we made it correctly or not?
Dragon Medicine

Baby Dragons!
Year 2TL were given quite a shock, when the dragon egg we found, suddenly cracked open! Sally, the dragon expert, came to save the day and told us all about the two lovely dragon babies. We were very lucky as we were able to all hold them.
Class Assembly
Our class assembly was all about the Harvest Festival, with our theme being colour. We enjoyed celebrating all the wonderful colours we have in our world. We were reminded that God made these colours - that he made everything. The first thing he made was light. This light can be split into all the colours of the rainbow. When you mix these, you can produce other colours. God was like an artist. He was happy with the world, so he painted it with many colours. We also told the story called "The Rainbow People".

Hanson Centre Trip
2TL visited the Hanson Centre, as part of our topic on plants and habitats. While we were there we found out about different habitats. We looked at the types of animals and plants you can find in different habitats. We had a great day and really enjoyed all of the activities, especially the pond dipping.
Bird Boxes
On No Pens’ Day we looked at how we could provide birds in the local environment with a warm habitat for winter. Mr Mitten kindly made us our own bird boxes to paint! We had to decide how we wanted our boxes to look and then describe it to our partners using prepositional language. We really enjoyed this activity and we hope the birds will like their new homes.

During our meditation lesson we talked about what prayer life meant to us. We talked about our class prayer bag and spoke about our prayer life at home.
Vivaldi – Four Seasons
In our music lessons we have been listening to Antonio Vivaldi’s music, Four Seasons. We have been trying to listen to the way the music makes us feel and how changes in the music could represent things linked to the different seasons.
For our Big Draw event we decided to make marks using the colours and emotions we felt when listening to the different pieces of music.

We acted out this poem, by Lil Pluta, focusing on all of the verbs we could hear in it.
I jump. I shake. I dance. I hop.
I swing. I twist. I cannot stop.
I scoot and roll across the floor.
I spin in circles out the door.
I run outside. I leap. I skip.
I bounce. I slide. I swing. I flip.
But I’m still careful! I don’t trip!