Performance Tables
Data Summary Sheet July 2022
These are the raw unvalidated Key Stage 2 Results only
All of the other results will be published when they become available later in Autumn term which is likely to be in November 2022. Then we will have all the national comparisons and know the full impact of COVID nationally.
We are very pleased with these KS2 results despite all of the challenges of COVID and the impact on learning at St Thomas Aquinas School. Our attainment results are 93%+ apart from writing.
Our progress average scale scores results are very pleasing and puts us in the top 5% of schools.
Yr6 SATs (30 children) | Working towards | At expected | Working at greater depth | Average Scale Score |
Reading | 7% | 37% | 57% | 110 |
Maths | 7% | 43% | 50% | 108 |
SPAG | 3% | 33% | 63% | 112 |
Writing | 20% | 70% | 10% |
EXP and GDS R,M and SPAG | 90% |
GDS R,M and SPAG | 30% |