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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year 6M

Healing the Sick

In their RE lessons, Year 6 have been learning about the importance of caring for the sick. They re-enacted the story of Jesus healing the blind man and asked lots of deep questions about this story:

  • How was Jesus able to heal the blind man?
  • How can we use this scripture to guide our lives today?
  • How might the crowd have helped the blind man if Jesus hadn’t been there?

Clay Skills

In their art lessons this half term, Year 6 have been developing their clay skills with the aim of making an Ancient Greek-inspired pot. They practised some key clay skills which they will use to make their final piece: coiling, slabbing and joining with slip.

Daily Life In Ancient Greece

As part of their history learning, Year 6 worked in groups to research a different element of daily life in Ancient Greece. They then put together a presentation to share the information they had found with the rest of the class. Some chose drama and others chose to make posters, but all of the presentations were extremely informative and fun.

Deli Sandwiches

To link with their geography learning about the USA, Year 6 designed and made their own New York-style deli sandwiches. They chose their own ingredients and prepared the salad components themselves.


This half term in PE the children have been learning gymnastics. They have shown very good trust and collaboration when learning and practising some group balances. They have realised how important effective communication and good form is when working on this skill. Well done!

Old Testament Games

In RE this half term, the children have been learning about the Bible. They designed and made a game, in groups, to help them remember some of the different types of books in the Old Testament: Pentateuch, Prophets, Wisdom and Historical. They really enjoyed being able to test out each others’ games too.

What is the USA?

To begin their geography learning about the USA, the children worked in small groups to piece together the 50 states. They showed good patience and communication skills to piece together this tricky puzzle!

Christmas Party Day

Year 6 have had a wonderful day getting excited for Christmas. They made Christmas hats for the party and took part in a Christmas quiz in the afternoon.

History Wonderboxes

To end their History topic, Year 6 worked in groups to use a range of materials to present their learning about how theatre has changed from Elizabethan England to now. It was very interesting to see how the different groups used their materials to show their understanding; there was a mixture of drama, posters and even some model making!

Judaism Week

Year 6 have had an extremely interesting week learning about the Jewish faith. This year, they have learnt about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We were very lucky to have a visit from Mrs Elijah to help us understand these holy days for Jewish people.

Twelfth Night

Year 6 had a great time when they were visited by the Young Shakespeare Company for a performance of Twelfth Night. They got to know the story very well and are looking forward to applying this learning in their History and English lessons later in the half term.

Elizabethan Theatre

To help them understand how significant theatre was in Elizabethan times, the children staged a debate about whether or not to build a theatre in their local area. It was great fun getting into character and hearing different people’s opinions on theatres in Elizabethan times. William Shakespeare and Elizabeth 1 even made an appearance!

The Rosary

To mark the month of the Rosary, Year 6 made posters to help them understand the Luminous Mysteries. They then used this learning to help them pray the rosary.


To end their first RE topic of Year 6, the children worked in groups to plan and run a meditation responding to their learning. Both groups decided to focus on the parable of the Prodigal Son to help them reflect on their learning.  It was a lovely, prayerful meditation.

Circuit Challenges

To being their science topics of circuits, Year 6 worked in small groups to complete a selection of circuit challenges. It was great to see how much the children have remembered about electricity from prior learning.


Year 6 have started their topic of Shakespearean Theatre by doing an information retrieval hunt. They then used this information to create some informative and eye-catching posters all about the great playwright.
