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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

School Council - 2017-2018

Food Waste

This year the School Council aimed to cut down on our black bin waste by dealing with food waste effectively. We are charged for our black bin collections but not for our pink recycling and green waste.


First the School Council visited MK Recycling Plant to learn more about it. We then addressed the lunchtime supervisors with our ideas:-

  • Encourage the younger children to eat more dinner and serve pudding after they have finished.
  • Use the green bins with green liners for food waste.
  • Arrange for St. Paul’s to take back food that has not been served.

The lunchtime supervisors were very supportive and put our plans into action.  We also asked our head teacher Mr Mundy to re-launch healthy eating. Children must have a healthy fruit or vegetable snack at break time. We then only have green waste on the playground. At lunchtime, all packed lunch waste and packaging must be taken home. As a result we have had one of our large black bins removed from the premises, halving the cost of our black bin waste removal.


We made a lovely thank you card for the lunchtime supervisors.
