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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

School Council - 2023-2024

School Council Days at St Paul's 

Every term we attend the MK School Council day at St Paul's Secondary School. When we are there, we are able to meet with other School Councils, from other primary schools, to share ideas, discuss what we could do within our schools and communities and to build better connections with our neighbours. We develop lots of skills here, such as public speaking, confidence and collaboration. 

Fundraising for Sepo

Throughout the year we have been continually fundraising for SEPO.  In March, we had a school Sepo day where the School Council hosted a 'Wet Sponge the Teacher' charity fundraiser. Children in the school paid £1 for 3 throws at a member of staff. We managed to even get our Headteacher involved! It was a very fun day for everyone and we managed to raise over £150 for Sepo!

Post-it Positivity

This year we introduced Post-it Positivity. This idea is to spread positivity across our school community, to anyone who needs it, anyone who wants it or simply anyone who walks by.  The positivity wall is located on our School Council board in the corridor. On one side are empty post-it-notes for anyone to take and write/draw something positive on. The other side of the wall has completed positive post-its stuck on, for anyone to look at, read or take away with them. This is for those having a bad day, need cheering up or simply wants to smile!

Creating an Appreciation Station

We recently chose a theme for our School Council term: gratitude. As part of our gratitude theme, we made an appreciation box and some shoutout cards and launched and 'Appreciation Station' to our peers. The purpose of this was to appreciate all the people who make a difference in our school community such as priests, governors, caretakers, caterers, the PTA and staff members. ​


All KS2 children had access to the station and were able to write a shoutout to somebody in our school community. As a School Council, we then looked through the entries and chose to do something kind for people with lots of votes. This included surprising people with cards of thanks.  The most recent person that we have appreciated has been Mr Zeolla. Lots of people nominated Mr Zeolla to our Appreciation Box so we used some of our sessions to make him a card that would let him know how much our school appreciates him. He really loved it.

Poppy Sale for Remembrance

During Remembrance week, we went around the school selling poppies for children to wear and remember those who fought for our country. We managed to raise almost £140 for the Royal British Legion. 

Anti-bullying Week Odd Socks Day 2023

We ended Anti-bullying week at STA by wearing odd socks to school!

This is what the children said…

“I’m wearing odd socks today because we are proudly showing are differences and uniqueness.”


“Everyone is different in their own special ways – this is what we have learnt in our anti-bullying week.”


“I wore my different socks because we are celebrating our differences.”


“We are wearing odd socks today because we are celebrating who we are, and we are different.”


“My socks are to celebrate that we are different so that no one gets bullied.”


“We are celebrating that we are all special and none of us are the same.”

Anti-Bullying Week Questionnaire and Assembly

Following our annual anti-bullying survey, we noted some concerns regarding upset or worried students. School Council led an assembly later that week, which encouraged everybody to think of a 'safe adult' in their head. We told them who our safe adults were and prompted them to close their eyes, sit in silence for a few seconds and think of someone too. Any child who could not think of a safe adult stayed behind after the assembly and School Council found one for them. This meant that, leaving the hall, everyone in the school now knew who to go to if they needed to express a concern within school. 

School Council
