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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

2024 - 2025

The Bethlehem Bag

Each day during Advent, a child from Reception class has been invited to take home the Bethlehem Bag so that their family can share and discuss the wonderful story of Christmas together.  The children have been excited to retell the Nativity using the little characters and to say a prayer as we wait for Christmas this Advent.

Prayer Bags – Re-Launch

We have re-launched the family prayer bag. Every week a child from each class will be invited to take the bag home. We hope that children and families can use the contents to create a prayerful focus for their own prayers or to follow the theme provided. This half term our Virtue to Live By is prayerfulness and children have learned the importance of having prayer in our lives, how prayers can give them strength and comfort and can help us all to build our friendship with God. Fr Gerard blessed our prayer bags last week and everyone is excited to take the bag home.
