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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day

St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day

We had a wonderful day celebrating the feast of our patron, St Thomas Aquinas. In the morning, children learnt about the life of our great saint and took ideas and inspiration from some of the wise things he said. Later, all classes took time to create something to send to St Thomas Aquinas Primary school in Stoke-on-Trent, the only other UK primary school to have St Thomas as their patron. Children wrote prayers for the children in Stoke, designed bookmarks for their class bibles, wrote letters about life at our school, did some artwork and recorded a tour of our school for them. It will be a lovely surprise for our friends in Stoke.


Fr Gerard came to celebrate Mass with us and we were joined by parents, parishioners and some Bishop Parker pupils too. The readings today were about our FAITH and that even a small amount of goodness can grow into something great. Fr Gerard told us that despite his poor handwriting, St Thomas studied hard and used his great mind to honour God, and that we should use our small talents to do that same.


First Reading: Hebrews 10:35-36,39    Your faith will bring great reward

Gospel: Mark 4:30-33    Parable of the mustard seed
