Year 2OD
Healthy Teeth
We are learning how to keep ourselves healthy. This week we were thinking about how we keep our teeth healthy. In our science lesson we carried out an experiment to see the effects that different drinks have on our teeth. We used eggs to represent teeth as their shell is like the enamel on our teeth. The liquids that we tested are: coca-cola, orange juice, squash, milk, coffee and water.
Clothes Around the World
As part of our topic - ‘Clothes Around the World’ - the children have been learning to weave. After learning about traditional weaving that happens in some countries the children were keen to have a go. We used silk ribbons to weave and the children were allowed to choose their own colours.

World Book Day
We had a fantastic Day celebrating World book day on Monday 6th March. Everybody looked fantastic in their costumes! The children enjoyed listening to An Vrombaut sharing her stories and working with Miss Callaghan to create their own ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’
National SEA LIFE Centre – Birmingham
On Tuesday 10th January Year Two had a fantastic day out at the National SEA LIFE Centre in Birmingham. We enjoyed seeing lots of different types of sea life and even had a behind the scenes tour where we learnt about how some of the animals are looked after and what they eat.

The Great Fire of London
We recreated ‘The Great Fire of London’ on the playground. We had to be very careful and listen to all of the adults that were outside. It was amazing to see how quickly the fire spread across the houses just like it would have in 1666.

Baking Bread
In our topic lessons we have been learning about The Great Fire of London and we found out that the fire started in a bakery. After learning about the differences between a bakery then and now we had a go at making our own bread. Mrs Walter taught us all about how we use yeast to make the bread rise and about how we need to leave our bread to prove. We thoroughly enjoyed being bakers for the morning!

Our Trip to the Synagogue
To start off our Judaism week, we visited the Synagogue in Giffard Park. While at the Synagogue the children learnt about the similarities and differences that it has to a Church. They were also able to have a look at lots of the special items that are kept in a synagogue; have a go at writing some Hebrew letters and reading the Torah.

Class Assembly
At the start of the half term 2OD performed their class assembly based on Vincent Van Gogh. We retold the story of ‘Camille and the Sunflowers’. As a class we were really impressed with how Vincent persevered and never gave up. We are trying to have this attitude to our learning in class. All of the children did a fantastic job – Well Done!

The Hanson Centre
On Monday 17th October 2OD spent the day at the Hanson Centre. We had a fantastic day at the nature reserve. We worked in pairs to carry out a ‘bug hunt’ in some different habitats. We searched in a grassland, a hedgerow and a woodland. We were also very excited to have a go at pond dipping to see what creatures we could find living in the water. It was a very exciting day!

Science Investigation
In Science we have been investigating what plants need to grow. Each group planted some sunflower seeds with Miss Thompson and put them in different places to monitor their growth. We tested whether seeds could grow in the dark, in the cold and with no soil.