Year 4B
World War 2
Our final topic for the year is World War 2. On Thursday the 16th of June, both year 4 classes, dressed as Evacuees, headed to Holdenby House in Northamptonshire. Whilst there we spent a day in the life of an evacuee child in 1942. Students participated in cooking classes with food rations, made knick-knacks, completed some of the daily chores and also stepped down into the bunker to learn more about air raids and the safety precautions taken during WW2.
Science Week
We celebrated Science Week by re-visiting out topic on sound and researching scientist Alexander Graham Bell. Bell was the original inventor of the telephone, we had a great time creating our own telephones in class using string and tin cans.
World Book Day
On World Book day this year we all came dressed as our favourite book and movie characters; it provided us with a day of stories and smiles. Students had to bring in their favourite book to share with the class. It was excellent to see the enthusiasm and excitement throughout the day.
Mayan Day
In February we celebrated out class topic of Maya Civilization with our Mayan Day. Our costumes and props were very exciting and helped to set the scene for a day full of activities and games. We learnt about the Ancient Mayan writing system and a Mayan ball game known as Pok-a-Tok. We learnt how to make delicious Mayan delicacies; guacamole, salsa and tortilla bread to share as a class.
This term we are continuing our guitar lessons. Our skills and understanding or chords and tuning is coming along very nicely. We always look forward to our Wednesday afternoon lessons, and wish it could last all day. Who knows, maybe someday you will see a student from 4B in a famous band, jamming on their guitar!
Building for the Future Project
We are also participating in the Milton Keynes – Building for the Future Project. We have been asked to create what we would like Milton Keynes to look like in the future. Another exciting task, our ideas are coming alive on the page.
Mayan Murals
In Art we have been creating our own Mayan murals. Mayan art was heavily influenced by religion and beliefs. It was most commonly created using paint and handmade canvas or as carvings in wood or stone. To create these we simply used black card and chalk. They have come out extra bright and colourful.
Ancient Maya
This term we have begun our new topic of Ancient Maya. There has been plenty of colourful creations made over the holidays, particularly feathered headdresses. These will be worn on our Mayan Day in February. We are looking forward to dressing up and learning some Mayan games and recipes.
We became scientists for the afternoon and worked together to classify living things. We used a classification chart and grouped living things together based on similar characteristics.