Year 6D
Last week, 6D started their new computing topic of ‘Quizzes’. In our first lesson, we were asked to make a quiz for a specific target audience that is different to ourselves. Year 6 decided to make a quiz that would be appropriate for their reading buddy in Reception to play. On Friday morning, we were delighted to be able to share our quizzes with Reception and it was so lovely to see the fun being had! I think it is fair to say that the quizzes were a huge success and that 6D did a great job!

To conclude our science topic of ‘Light’ Year 6D were investigating the process of refraction. We discussed how Isaac Newton first developed his ‘Theory of Colour’ by shining a light source through a transparent prism – causing refraction. The individual wavelengths of light are separated, and a rainbow of colours is created! It was a lot of fun.

Year 6D had a great time carrying out some science experiments with our visitors from St Paul’s. It was wonderful to get an insight into the kind of investigations that are carried out at secondary school and to also try out new equipment.
New York Deli Sandwiches
On Tuesday, 6D completed their DT topic for this half term by making their New York Deli sandwiches. Over recent weeks, the children have studied the origins of a deli sandwich focusing on the kinds of ingredients that go into them.
We then held a tasting session to research the kind of things we would like to include in our own sandwich. Then it was time to design and 6D produced some fantastic, expanded diagrams to explain what their sandwich was going to look like. Finally it was time to make them and most importantly taste them!

Bible Board Games
In our RE lesson today, we were focusing on the Old Testament books and the categories they can be put into. We learned that the first five books of the Bible are known as the ‘Pentateuch’, then comes the ‘Historical’ books, ‘Wisdom’ books and finally ‘Prophets’. This was quite a lot for us to remember so we decided to make our own board games to help us recall which book goes where. It was a lot of fun!

Vocation and Commitment
In RE, Year 6 have begun their new topic of Vocation and Commitment. We have been learning about different types of missions and how we can live out our own missions in life. Father Jithu came into school to talk to us about his vocation: the call to priesthood. It was really interesting to hear him talk about his own vocation and he gave wonderful advice on how we can best achieve a vocation that we all have - the call to be saints.

RE Respond Lesson
We have completed our first RE topic ‘Loving’. During our Respond lesson, we reflected on our learning from this topic. We worked in small groups to plan each stage of our end-of-topic response worship. We all came together to take part in our worship to reflect on the topic and decide how we are going to take forth what we have learnt.

Year 6 enjoyed a visit from the Young Shakespeare Company, who staged a performance of Macbeth. It was so exciting to see Shakespeare’s characters come to life in front of us! The children are looking forward to using this learning in their English and History lessons later this term.

In Science today, 6D carried out an electrical investigation. Our focus question was: “Does the length of wires used in a circuit, impact the brightness of our bulb?” Before starting the investigation, we all came up with our own hypotheses, stated the variables and drew a diagram of the circuit we were going to build. The results were very interesting and it was great fun discussing why different groups got different results. At the end, we interpreted our findings and presented them in a bar chart.